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Calculate Your 0-60 From Your 1/4-mile Timeslip


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Someone on the Buick forum developed a spreadsheet with some calculus to derive a 0-60 time from your timeslip. It uses the 60', 330', 1/8-mile and 1000' times.


my datalogger showed my 0-60 to be 2.83 and I plugged the numbers in this spreadsheet and it spit out......2.83 cool.gif


My numbers were: 1.553, 4.575, 7.111, 9.314






71 240GN-Z

Scottie's GNZ

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Guest Anonymous

Only 3 sec 0 - 60? Hmmm, only twice as much acceleration as nearly all of the 60's and 70's muscle cars (and about on par with most superbikes produced now!). Those are the kinds of problems I don't think I'd mind having. smile.gif




[This message has been edited by lonehdrider (edited March 27, 2001).]

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You know we have gone totally insane when we complain about our sleds not being able to run a 0-60 quicker than 3 secs biggrin.gif


Anyone consider this a neat enough "gadget" to make available to others on the forum? If so, let me know and I will ask the originator and make sure he gets credit.




71 240GN-Z

Scottie's GNZ

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Funny guy Lone,

You might not be worrying about this stuff now, but it will eventually turn around and get you. Trust me, it's only a matter of time before you start i"complaining" about 0 - 60 times greater than 3 seconds. biggrin.gif



I'd like to put a link to that spreadsheet on my 1/4 mile times page. Ask the owner if that's OK and I'll credit his excellent work.



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I looked quickly and found an old time slip. 1.281 3.648 5.631 7.338.Scottie I would get a kick out of it if you see what it comes up with.On prestage.com I used one of there calculators that converts 60ft into mph,I used my 1.25(best 60ft)and it told me 65 mph or around there,I did it a while ago.I'm going to do it again with the 1.281.


[This message has been edited by RON JONES (edited March 27, 2001).]

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Wait, 0-60 in 1.17 seconds? eek.gif


Ron, I want a ride! Just tie me to the roll cage on the passenger's side! Of course my 225lbs might bring it down to 1.4 seconds, but I'll settle for that!


If I get south of 4 seconds 0-60, I'll be happy - for a while wink.gif.



Pete Paraska - 73 540Z - Marathon Z Project


Pete's V8 Datsun 240Z Pages

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I went over to Prestage.com and put in the 1.28 60ft.It told me that in 60ft I'm going 63.87MPH and pulling 2.27 G's.Fairly close I'd say between your #'s Scottie and Prestage.com's calculator.I don't know if I ever thanked You John Scott,But I found that site from a post of Yours A while back.And its Owner is a Racer from My home track.Small world.Oh yea,Pete no need to strap You to the Roll cage,it has a passenger seat w/belts.I give rides,its funny to see the look on there face's when I get on it.


[This message has been edited by RON JONES (edited March 27, 2001).]

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Guest Anonymous

1.17????? Damn, do you have to go to NASA to learn to drive that thing




PS: Yeah, I know I do joke now, and after I'm used to it, I'm sure I'll want more power I'm sure you guys started the same way. "Hey a mild small block will be all I'll need honey, honest." and she goes " rolleyes.gif "

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Lone, you crack me up. great use of the "rolleyes" graphic.


I dare not mention building a more powerful engine for my Z - I might end up in divorce court wink.gif. Of course, a set of heads here, a cam there, some EFI here, who's to know wink.gif.



Pete Paraska - 73 540Z - Marathon Z Project


Pete's V8 Datsun 240Z Pages

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Complaining about getting under the 3.0 is like the days before Microwaves.


Prior to microwaves we all had to wait for wifey or Mom to make our meals; usually 2-3hours later it was time to eat. Now w/the micowaves we all complain if dinner isnt ready w/in 10 minutes.


Oh, sorry for the unfair comparison/forgot there are some here that were born of the Post-Microwave erra....anyway/you get the jest!



(Yes,Still a "Above 3.0" Inliner)


PS: Just noticed my post hit "454"....is that an Omen; a hidden command from the HybridZ Gods commanding me to go for a BBC conversion instead of SBC? I'll have to start a commune of HP Junkies now & chant to all V8's passing by till the answer is given!


[This message has been edited by Kevin Shasteen (edited March 27, 2001).]

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Sick!! I need to get into the low 4's to be happy. That will let me lay waste to 99.9% of the cars on the road. (I don't think I'll be racing at speeds much higher than 60mph on the streets)


Hell, top fuels do 0-60mph in 0.8! Ron, you're knocking on thier door. Hehe.



Richard Lewis - 1972 240z, Powered by a Nissan 2.8L Turbo Inline 6.

Drax240's Turbo Site

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The diversity in projects here is what makes this such a great site. We probably have a greater than 600 hp spread in our cars and still can get along. 0-60 3 seconds is fast, 2s incredible, 1s unthinkable. Ron ought to charge for rides! Some of us are having fun kicking sand in the face of conventional fast cars, others are trying to break the sound barrier. A car math link would be cool.



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Not so funny - Jim Biondo was working me pretty hard a year ago to take a nice LT1 with Hot cam, custom tuned computer, guru-done heads, etc. off his hands and put it in my Z. It was a hell of a good deal, but I had to turn it down. Thanksfully he sold it to someone else wink.gif. The guy is a hell of a salesman.


Yeah, I'll put at least a thousand miles on it before I swap it out. wink.gif



Pete Paraska - 73 540Z - Marathon Z Project


Pete's V8 Datsun 240Z Pages

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