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Rear Axle essembly order

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1. Press the outer bearing onto the side shaft.

2. Press or lightly hammer the side axle with the outer bearing in the hub.

3. Drop the distance piece (spacer) in place.

4. Place and light tap (with a brass drift) the inner bearing in place.

5. Bolt on the companion flange and torque to 195 ft. lb.

6. Measure shaft end place and turning torque.

7. If in spec, remove the companion flange, install the seal, bolt on the companion flange and torque to spec.

8. If too much end play, remove the companion flange and add in the the copper washer. Go back to 5. If still too much end place, increase torque to 200 ft. lb. and go to 7.

9. If too much turning torque, reduce the torque number to 185 ft. lb. Go to 6.

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