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Fatal error - when trying to post new thread ???


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Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 50331648 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 16 bytes) in /var/www/forums.hybridz/includes/class_core.php on line 3289



This was in the forsale section under cars?



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I re-did the post using "test" title, "test" in the body and it worked, then I edited it w/ real info. There may be something in the syntax of my title or the body that it was chocking on who knows.

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server memory overload.


there is only an allocated 96MB max for php functions on server, which is used to execute PHP commands and parse the code so that it can perform the required functions and generate the collected output.


Sometimes too many things like resizing images that are uploaded all at the same time (say 2 or 3 threads with high quality photos) will do that to a server, as resizing one image at 1600x1200 pixels can take upto 26megs in most cases.


Nothing to worry about at this point. It's a once in a blue moon thing.

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server memory overload.


there is only an allocated 96MB max for php functions on server, which is used to execute PHP commands and parse the code so that it can perform the required functions and generate the collected output.


Sometimes too many things like resizing images that are uploaded all at the same time (say 2 or 3 threads with high quality photos) will do that to a server, as resizing one image at 1600x1200 pixels can take upto 26megs in most cases.


Nothing to worry about at this point. It's a once in a blue moon thing.


I tried Multiple times, at different times, throughout the day.

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