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Pending BAD News in CA


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California Air Resources Board (CARB) unveiled on Friday the details of the proposed new Clean Air Plan. This effects mobile and stationary sources to include airplanes, ships and recreational water craft and of course on and off highways vehicles. Of particular note is the proposal to scrap the existing exemption of pre-1974 vehicles from smog check testing. Here is an exerpt from the Plan: (Smog Nazis stike again)!! twak.gif


Exempt pre-1974 Vehicles Only: Originally, the Smog Check inspection program applied to all 1966 and newer gasoline vehicles. In 1997, the State Legislature modified the Smog Check program to exempt pre-1974 vehicles, and beginning in January 2003, to exempt motor vehicles 30 or more model-years old. Unfortunately, older vehicles contribute a disproportionate amount of emissions (despite their relatively low numbers and use) so excluding these older vehicles from the program reduced the effectiveness of the Smog Check program. Eliminating the 30-year rolling exemption in order to keep all 1974 and newer vehicles in the program would achieve additional emission reductions in future years. In addition, these vehicles would also be eligible for other BAR assistance programs such as vehicle retirement and repair assistance. If legislation eliminating the 30-year rolling exemption were passed, this proposed Smog Check improvement option would apply to both the Basic and Enhanced Smog Check inspection program areas. ARB staff estimates that eliminating the 30-year rolling exemption would reduce ROG emissions by about 3 tpd and NOx emissions 3 tpd.
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This sounds awfully familiar to the smog laws that they used :D to enforce in Detroit. The original omitted smog checks for vehicles 10 years or older. Legislation wanted to up to the age to 30 years. After extensive research, a conclusion was drawn that the lower income families would be hit hardest by this law. The emphasis was then placed onto the OEM's to manufacture a vehicle that would actually burn clean for more than two years. Thus, all emission testing in the local Detroit area was abolished.


It really erck's me that the car buying public is being made responsible for Automakers lousy engineering decisions in the field of vehicle emissions. California really needs to look at the examples other states have set, by dropping most (if not all) emission testing, and step into the 21st century. Imagine if we all had to get our computers tested every year for operating systems crashes. If we failed the "crash test" which we all obviously would) it would be our responsibility to individually fix the problem? Come on now, get real.


I know this is a cliche, but write your local congress-person and representative. Tell them you want to see more emission liability fall on the manufacturer and not on the public. Hey, it worked in Michigan!



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Here's the URL for the page on CARB's site.

You'll want to go directly to the 'mobile sources' section. This is BRAND new stuff, the only reason I know about it is because I was at an Air Quality conference in Reno last week and a rep. from CARB was there.


BTW, I'm not sure if the interpretation of the above paragraph is that all vehicles prior to '74 will now be tested, or if the rolling average rule will be scrapped only, which would mean that the existing 73 and older vehicles will NOT be subject to the proposed changes. I fully intend to attend the next CARB workshop (mainly for the stationary source issues) and will report back.


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Guest kc6wfs

Hi Tim and all,


Ya I went and looked over the whole PDF file and does not look good.

Looks like they are once again going to try to dump the 30 year excemption as well AS

the pre-1974 excemption!!!!!


That means that if they have there way and it passes that cars 1966 and up will have to be smogged anaually!


Also on there hit list are, all lawn mowers, leaf blowers, 4 stroke boats, jets, helicopters, light and heavy aircraft. Basicly ANYTHING with a motor. hehe puke.gif


With elections comming up I bet Assh&^$ Grey Davis dickhead will pass them all!!

He has nothing to loose, he has already lost the election!!!!

Hopefully the legslature and house will laugh at the upcomming bills and reject them.


Boy I thought the car scrappage bill was boqus, but what the air recorces board want to do now is just down right scarry!


Dave cry2.gif

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Guest Anonymous

Thanks for the update (hate the word, not the messenger!) on that Tim.


Suddenly my move to Tempe Az. seems like even a better idea. If all I have to get is 1972 smog specs from it like I've been told, then a simple smog pump and evap system and I'm good to go. I'd be happy with that, stock and able to pretty much hang with most anything domestic from 1972 at least light to light (and probably more like a beating really). cheers.gif


I'm going to try and stick a stock air cleaner on my (non-emissions) holley, lean it down and cross my fingers, along with my stock goodwrench valve covers, working PCV and AIR system it might be convincing enough if they don't look real hard, maybe even paint my Weiand stealth black. :D


Hopefully they'll leave the 73 exemption in, I'd hate to see everyone out here have to comply with some of the motor's the west coasters are using.





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I was born and raised in Cali(Bay Area) but moved to Texas in 1982. Man I love my old home but it has been taken over by tree huggin,liberal,commie Bast---s! Whoops time for a chill pill!! cuss.gifmalebitchslap.gif



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Idiots--this is precisely why we need logical politicians in office to keep this kind of crap from coming down on the (poor) people, like me. These guys can take their smog laws and eat it for breakfast--the fiber will help with their severe constipation... :mad::mad::mad:



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This Plan has been formulated in concert with EPA Region IX, so the Feds are behind this one. I don't think that local Government is going to have that much to say about it.

I think that if you all feel really strongly about this (which you should), the best bet is to sit in on the upcoming workshops which CARB is hosting. They are going to be 'tele-conferenced' from several locations, so you should be able to sit in on at least one!

Remember, this Plan is not set in stone yet as it hasn't gone throught the public comment phase.

If you can, get some business owners to make some objections at the workshops, that carries a lot of weight.

The battle is not lost, and it is NOT out of the question for several paragraphs to be ammended or deleted from this plan!! The public comment phase is there for a reason!!!.....for y'all to comment, so take part in the democratic process and change things!! Especially you guys in Sacramento!!!!!

I will be there!!, and I don't even have voting rights!


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Zfan I totally agree... just look at what they did with the gas additives and low sulfer diesel fuel in Califorina.. Then there is the electirical crisis... After having lived in Texas for 5 years I find it almost impossible to go home. The cost of everything is crazy... My dad pays 300+ a year just to register his truck, I just paid the fees on my Land Cruiser and it was only 65$.... Califorina is pricing it's self out of the market and this is just another case of thegoverment being out for money.....

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I would like it if they would at least exempt older vehicle from the visual inspection. Most "stock" 240z's have had many of their emissions system modified/removed (some more than others ;) ), however they might be able to pass the tailpipe test anyhow.


BTW, I'm pretty sure they are only talking about scrapping the 30-year rule. I didn't realize that until I read the PDF and they had bolded the heading: "Exempt pre-1974 Vehicle Only"


Obviously they are arguing to eliminate all exemptions and I sure that's the next step: I can't wait to see Jay Leno's Deusenberg on a smog-dyno.

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And if I had Jay Leno's wallet I would send a few bucks to SEMA and any politican/PAC that fights this stuff. Sometimes paying for that kind of 'service' is actually a good thing. Still, I hate politics...



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Guest jwelch

These laws are bad news for enthusiest.

Arizona used to have the same law, everything 1974 and up had to be tested. Now it is 1967 and up. Arizona emissions are terrible and the state will not budge because they loose federal funding if they don't participate. You would think they could be some sort of compromise.

Get this Arizona also has what they call SMOG DOGS, but I haven't seen one this year. They are emissions sniffers that measure your exhaust when getting on the on ramp of the freeways. They sniff the emissions at some point and further down the ramp if you fail the damn thing takes a picture of your tag and sends you a notice to re-emissions your car.

So now it is difficult to tweak the car after emissions to get top performance.

They usually set them out in the Winter since we have a hot/cold air inversion in the valley which keeps the skies very brown.

Maybe these sniffers have been banned since I haven't seen one this year.

Lucky it doesn't check your speed too, because I usually floor it and let off the pedal after 100MPH and glide by (just kidding about the 100MPH maybe 95)

Hope it doesn't come to that in CA.

Good Luck

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Originally posted by jwelch:

Get this Arizona also has what they call SMOG DOGS, but I haven't seen one this year. They are emissions sniffers that measure your exhaust when getting on the on ramp of the freeways. They sniff the emissions at some point and further down the ramp if you fail the damn thing takes a picture of your tag and sends you a notice to re-emissions your car.

So now it is difficult to tweak the car after emissions to get top performance.

They usually set them out in the Winter since we have a hot/cold air inversion in the valley which keeps the skies very brown.

Maybe these sniffers have been banned since I haven't seen one this year.

Lucky it doesn't check your speed too, because I usually floor it and let off the pedal after 100MPH and glide by (just kidding about the 100MPH maybe 95)

Hope it doesn't come to that in CA.

Good Luck

They had mobile stations like this, but they recently determined that they were not cost effective in terms of smog reduction per dollar. It is, however, cost effective to force people to replace their older cars because those costs are not incurred against the state. GOOD BUREAUCRAT LOGIC!
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Guest Anonymous

Ok, besause I have no time to sift through this, what you are all saying is that soon (maybe) Cali will trash every car onlder then 30-yrs? Am I getting this right? They are removing all these cars off of the streets (unless they pass emmisions all over) and forcing people to purchase newer cars? Why is this not in the news? Is it to cut back the street racing scene?


I don't get it bonk.gif .



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