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Progress of Z house...


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Some of you may know I'm building a house as I had posted some questions previously about it but here are some pics as to our progress in the last month give or take.

My half the house is on the left, the wife's is on the right

The 4th pic is the view out the window in my garage :) Not bad for in the city !

What's not shown (wife has the camera) is the 2nd bay is vaulted to 14'-15' and they put 36" sonotubes 5' deep for footings for a hoist for me, woot!




garage backfill_thumb.jpg


garage window_thumb.jpg


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Yes!!! i love it


whats your estimated total cost?

Cost, not sure as I'm not the GC on the house, its being built through the company my wife works for ;)

All in all not too bad when its all said and done though, although I try not to look at the price tag too often. :icon44: It'll be under 500 with the hoist included for sure or else I'll have to have a stern talking to my wife :mrgreen:

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The garage needs to be about twice as large.... :)


Looks great, must be a great feeling.


Ya its pretty exciting especially since we (mainly my wife) designed it ourselves :) So far its coming out to be as good or better than I expected it to be. I'm not one to be able to imagine what a 2D drawing will look like at all whereas my wife is so for me it was pretty hard to get excited for this until I saw walls going up etc. Now that it is I'm pretty pumped. The garage is going to be sweet I am putting extra insulation in for it, as well as sound insulation for the entire main levels ceilings as well as for the bedroom walls upstairs. I'll also be pre-wiring my home theatre stuff in too. There are def some benefits to knowing the builder well. :)

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Ok now we're talking! Coming along nicely. You are motivating me again to make sure my garage is cleaned and prepped for winter projects. I still have not done my epoxy floor.


I may not have room for the hoist, but I am interested in the same device you saw at Jerry B's I didn't see him at zfest for more info about it. I will be at this weeks meeting though...with the Z.

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Much to my excitement the HVAC rough-ins started yesterday (thats my field) and so far things are looking good. I was told the shingles got dropped off on site today so I will be heading there tonight to take a look at them and make sure things are going to plan.


Scott where's the meeting this week? and when? I'll try to drop by if it works with my schedule :)

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the HVAC rough-ins started yesterday (thats my field)

so you work in the HVAC field? i was thinking of going into this career and was wondering how you got into it, what kind of education it required, and are you happy with your income...


sorry for th thread jack its just not to often i come come across people in the hvac field to ask questions to... :mrgreen:

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I'll PM you later about HVAC, I'm just on my way out the door in a moment but wanted to post two pictures from last night :)


Shingles are ready to go on. Woot. Finally got a pic without a lift truck in the way also which was nice lol.


ready for shingles_thumb.jpg

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I've slacked off on the pics but thats mainly becuase only rough-ins are being done right now so there isn't much to show but some piping and tons of wire.


Today was our pre-drywall inspection which went very well. Only one change on their part and a few additions on ours so I call that a good meeting.


The 68skids of brick arrive today and 3 skids of stone for the front skirt too. When we left the mason's were just setting up their scaffolding so I'm sure that by the weekend there should be some progress on that that I can show :)


Woot. Now comes the fun part of drywall and bricks :)

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more updated pictures of stuff.

a little random but its getting there.

the garage got insulated on the exterior walls and is in the process of drywall today/tomorrow. Further brick has been done as well as the tub has been installed in its location with its skirt. :)



rear brick_thumb.jpg


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