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I need my car to talk!!! Need help!


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Guest Anonymous

You're kidding right? :D Seriously though, you could probably get it from a Camry too. I know the early 90's one had it.


I wish they had a system like that, that'd even tell me to put wear my selt beats. hey wouldn't it be cool if they came out with a computerized one where you could "program" the messages? I'd love with nicole kidman's voice...

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Possibly Mr T's voice commanding you "Put on your seatbelt, FOOL!" might make one take notice a bit more...


...or how about the drone of Martha Stewart's voice telling you not to fall asleep on long trips? You'd crash for sure.


On second thought, Nicole's voice might be nice smile.gif


Any EE guys want to take stab at actually answering the question?



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Hey guys, I figure that if I cant get the women to talk to me I might as well hear from my Z. I used to have an 83 ZX and I really liked the sexy womans voice saying "Your Lights Are On" I think she was suppose to say more but a friend of mine spilled sprite down the dash and it must of pissed her off because she never spoke again. Anyway, how hard would it be to add the voice thingie to a 240? If it were a stand alone system that would be great. I know you can buy after market voice systems but I would like to have one from a Datsun. Any help would be great!

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If I remember right. The "voice box" is located behind rear shock pillar passenger side. You might get one out of an old zx and wire it. I believe the speaker and everything is in it. Its just a black plastic box.

I got a kick out of mine. Before the girl in the box "passed away" totally. She was sick for a long time. She sounded like she was in s l o w m o t i o n!!!!! People would get in the car; hear her and we couldn't stop laughing!

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