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Las Vegas Z mechanic

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I tried this in the non-tech section with no luck, so I thought I would give it a shot in here. I need a local expert on our Zs. Somewhere I can take my car to get some work done on it. If anyone knows of a great place to go, I would really appreciate it. Or anyone that lives in Las Vegas that wouldn't mind helping out a Z car newb would be my hero. Thanks in advance for any info.

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I live in North Las Vegas and wouldn't mind Helping out. I will shot you a PM with my info.


This is why I love this forum. The people may seem harsh when rules are violated (or searching not done B) ), but when it comes down to it, some of the nicest people out there are on this forum. I love how friendly and helpful everybody is.

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I completely agree Cheesecakepiebar. As long as you've done what you can as far as searching (and who can blame anyone for being slightly annoyed by the same ? over & over), the folks on here are the kindest, most generous people. This is the fist time I've asked for help of this kind and it took less then a day for someone to step up with an offer to help. Not just a shop name, but a willingness to put in the work. MREDDLE, thank you for the reply and the kindness. PM returned.

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