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Drip rails removed and other misc. stuff


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I did the cutting and rewelding of the drip rails on my 240 V8 project over the Xmas break. MAN, I had to hold my breath as the cutting disk wound up to speed and I started cutting.....no going back now I kept telling myself. Well, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but the damn lead they used at the factory was a major PITA when rewelding the roofline. It took A LONG time to reweld...tack welds all the way along the roof line and windshield pillar, then grinding down, rewelding the gaps, grinding down, rewelding blah blah blah.....

Well, it's all bondoed with fiberglass reinforced filler ready for sanding and shaping, which I think will be the hard part!! But, even in it's rough state of finish, it looks SOOOOOOO much better without the drip rails!!!!

AND....the little woman bought me a pair of 5 point Simpson harnesses for Xmas...Whoo Hoo!! icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif ...NOT DOT approved though malebitchslap.gif , wonder if this will be a problem!? twak.gif

Also disassembled the 'luggage straps' which I will be using to hold down the fuel cell. Buffed all the rust off the mounting tabs and buckles and 'PlastiDipp'ed' them. Then I redyed the webbing black. BOY OH BOY, the look brand new...off getting resewn now.


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I just jumped in with both feet and cut off the whole damn thing. I cut it about 1/2 way between the edge of the drip rail and the body (ie not flush with the body) and then with a 50 grit sanding disk, ground it down to almost flush. Then tacked it.


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This is something I have never done before either, but I thought'what the hell, in for a penny, in for a pound' so after looking at Terry's pictures and his commentary on the mod, I felt it was doable. I didn't bother taking any pics since Terry's are so good. Give it a bash...it takes patience (be sure to take your time) and careful grinding and welding and some good fiberglass reinforced body filler.

If you want any specifics on how 'I' did it, drop me an email.


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FYI: The online photo hosting that I have been using (PhotoPoint) has been ofline going on 2 weeks now and I fear they may be out of business. All the previous links I've provided to you guys for these and other photos most likely will NOT work. I did very recently open an account with another hosting site (Fototime) and they appear to work well, but lack in some of the finer points that PhotoPoint had. Anyway, I'm in the process of uploading all the photos onto it now.

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Terry when you do get the pics up can you tell us/me cause i really want to get this mod done, and i do believe i can do it.. but need some extra photo motivations. etc


also during light rain can you see though the driver/passenger door window, during heavy rain it doesn't matter to me

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I know this is a long link, but try it out, and be sure to get the entire address when you do. I would like some feedback to see if this will work (new site for my photos so I need to know). I know that the individual photo links work, but wanted to try this album link to see if it works.



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