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My doors rattle

Guest zthang43

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Guest zthang43

Anybody else's doors make the car sound like a tin can? Mine rattle like crazy. I guess the latches must be worn out, because when the doors are closed, you can still push them in and out at least 1/16". I have wasted a bunch of time trying to adjust them right but they still rattle.

Any suggestions?

Oh, the hinges seem to be fine, no problem on that end of the door.

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Guest Anonymous

Once closed fully (slammed) mine don't move in or out or rattle really (hard to tell though with all the other rattles and exhaust noise), but they do close and sound tinnier than any car I've owned before, the virtue of light weight construction I guess. I've heard just a rubber coating sprayed on the inside of the door helps alot. :D





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Check to see if your door rubbers are in good shape. The door is meant to rest against them when closed and if the rubbers are shot, no matter how tightly the latch mechanism is adjusted the door will still rattle.


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Guest bang847

Yeah I need all new rubber for my car.. I was thinking... I always see these 90's caravans in the JY... should I pull all the stripping from the slide doors to use on my Z? good idea or not?

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My 280ZXT also rattles around the windows etc. The big bucks for replacement rubber seals have kept me from doing what needs to be done! frown.gif So for now; I just crank up the music and apply more boost!!!!! I found the faster you go over the ruboard dirt roads around here. The less rattles noticed! 2thumbs.gif

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