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240 turn signals! Need help!!


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Okay, in removing my 73 240s front turn signals I completely destroyed those little metal clip stud thingies that hold the housing to the car. I have taken apart four pairs now and almost everyone of them decides to spin in the housing! Is there anywhere I can get new studs? Also, does anyone have any suggestions on how I could mount new studs and still be able to remove them later?


Thanks for the help

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Did the same thing, mine were crap and the bolts just tore up the plastic threading on the lens.


I got some sex bolts (that's what they were called when I was a hard core skatboarder 10 years ago) and drilled through the entire lens and just used a longer bolt. The sex bolts kinda look like rivets but they're threaded. Don't know if they make them anymore but I got a whole box at home.



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Not sure about your last comment but the female end is threaded and is shaped like a T. When the bolt is screwed in, the 2 halves pull towards each other.


The flat face of the T sits flush with the lens but it could be done the other way as well.


I like to experiment with different bulbs and stuff so it had to be easily rebuildable.



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