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Uh oh..?


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Hey guys,


I've been working on rewiring my megasquirt to clean things up, but I think I'm just shooting myself in the foot.


I keyed on my new wiring and some smoke came from the main connector (DB37 I think?) but I'm not sure what melted (I haven't pulled it off or done anyheavy investigation). Following this, I realized I had a couple things wired incorrectly. I rewired and hooked things back up and no smoke but now my TPS, CLT and another sensor I can't remember off the top of my head are not showing up in megatune (zero'ed out/red gauges). Also, my megasquirt relay board was putting out a high frequency sound, I could barely hear it but it was there. What is this? Also, after rewiring, a small stream of smoke came out from my dash on the driver side as I was sitting in the driver seat. Did I just fry the tach?


Ugh, what a pain. I'm pulling EVERYTHING apart again to investigate if I've caused serious damage. Thanks guys.

Edited by jacob80
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Just ordered a new relay board last night. That was a $100.00 mistake :banghead:


Anyways, the only thing I'm worried about now is whether or not I damaged my other sensors. The only thing that I saw smoke come from is A) The relay board and B) out of the dash defrost vent on the driver side (probably my tach, right? :bonk: ) Should I be worried that I didn't see a couple sensors show up in megatune, or can I safely say that the connections on the relay board were simply not there after the circuit overheated?


Thanks guys!

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Where there is smoke there is fire. So you probably should check out what got burnt behind the dash, before you try again.

The trace that burnt was all your sensor grounds, TPS, MAT, CLT, so it's not strange that you didn't see them. If i was to guess whatever that burnt behind the dash was probably what was feeding power to it. Since you were rewiring you could of mixed up a wire and fed the wrong spot.


14 TPS Return (Ground)

15 Tach/Ignition

Since everything after 14 is not burnt this is where I would think it could have started.


Or I maybe totally backwards because it looks like there is some burning between that trace and at least one of the pins on the db-37. It could be that a power source from the db-37 made it to that trace and lit it up like a fuse.

Edited by goodoldjam
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I definitely did foul up on my wiring on try #1 (which is when this happened).


I noticed there were a couple of wires that got hot/warm as I felt them after I keyed off the switch. This is really all my fault as I got a little over confident and didn't draw up a wiring diagram and just "went at it." So yes, I have learned my lesson! :P


I'm thinking that my tach got friend. I say this because I have run NO wiring on the driver side cabin area under the dash and I fixed some wiring up on the coil to get my tach to work, and as far as I'm concerned, I can forget about that!


Like I said, I think the reason this all happened is because I wired the board wrong and screwed it up. Perhaps I'll pull the tach out and see if I can discover some melted stuff...errggg :fmad:


Right now, I'm working on drawing a wiring diagram so that I won't do this again.

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Yeah, I've seen that wiring, it looks good!


I would go that route but the relay board saves me from my novice mistakes, such as this. This is my very first megasquirt install and I've been messing with it for almost two years and I'm finally just getting everything right, well, not this of course! :bonk:


From here, I'm going to draw up my wiring diagram and make sure that it looks good. I guess I'll remove my tach and hope its not fried, but I'd be surprised if it wasn't. Smoke clearly means no good!

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Yeah, I've seen that wiring, it looks good!


I would go that route but the relay board saves me from my novice mistakes, such as this. This is my very first megasquirt install and I've been messing with it for almost two years and I'm finally just getting everything right, well, not this of course! :bonk:


From here, I'm going to draw up my wiring diagram and make sure that it looks good. I guess I'll remove my tach and hope its not fried, but I'd be surprised if it wasn't. Smoke clearly means no good!

We must be related or something, I've had the same setup for about 2 years. I started the car after I finished and it ran good, but work just got in the way. I'll be finishing it this time and actually I'm at the point of cleaning up the wiring myself and trying to make it look decent like you were doing. I'm actually finishing up my intercooler piping right now, 3" tubing is tough to fit.

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Like I said, some things were wired wrong and I'm sure 12v+ somehow made its way there. Now that I think about it, my fuel pump was constantly running and the only reason I noticed smoke is because I looked up from my computer because I heard the fuel pump sound like it either was sucking dry or had too much pressure in front of it, seemd like it just halted. Once I looked up I saw smoke and I immediately switched the key off.


Right now, I'm worried about my sensors and stock tach. If those are fine (which I HIGHLY doubt the tach is due to smoke coming from the dash) I shouldn't be too worried. Once again, do you think I've damaged any other EFI sensors, or is the relay board the only component damaged here? I already ordered another last night and it shipped today (as you probably know, Matt). Thanks!

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We must be related or something, I've had the same setup for about 2 years. I started the car after I finished and it ran good, but work just got in the way. I'll be finishing it this time and actually I'm at the point of cleaning up the wiring myself and trying to make it look decent like you were doing. I'm actually finishing up my intercooler piping right now, 3" tubing is tough to fit.


I believe my piping is 2.5" and fit perfectly through the holes that were previously passages for the cabin vents. Yes, I too am going back and TRYING! to do things right. Slowly but surely :wacko:

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