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Setting up hall sensor on crank


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I am wanting to set-up a crank sensor for ignition purposes on my S-30. I have been reading this thread;





I am going to have to remove my flywheel to fix a leaking rear main(another story), but I thought this would be an opportune time to try and accomplish this task.

I am a bit confused at the method from the OP for determining where the holes that were drilled. My plan is different, but I hope achieve the same result.


I am planning on determining a good place for the Hall sensor on the flexplate, as in the original post.I would drill the flexplate, but not install the sensor yet. I was then going to put a degree wheel on the crank after finding TDC of #1 cylinder. I would then mark the flywheel thru the Hall sensor hole on the flexplate to drill. From there I would turn the crank in the proper direction and mark every 60 degrees for the TDC for the next cylinders. This should give me a mark on the flywheel for every cylinder. After marking the flywheel and crankshaft so that they would be installed in the same location with respect to each other, I would remove the flywheel and drill out 5 of the six marks as in the OP and drill the other side of the sixth.


Is there a problem with this plan? I realize that the OP set his up for a 90 degree trigger, but why not set it up for TDC?

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Thanks for the info. After much reading I realized this was the case. Do you know the maximum degrees you can utilize with the MS and I am guessing that you can input the exact degree based on where you place your sensor.

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You are definitely not phrasing your question properly, because I don't know what you are trying to ask.


Remember that part of that 60 degrees is taken up by the maximum advance you run.


If you are asking what the maximum advance you can use - it depends on what engine and its' setup you are talking about.


More info needed.

Edited by Brad-ManQ45
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Sorry for the confusion-I'm learning as I go. What i am trying to ask is-if when i set up TDC, and the sensor winds up being 88 degrees from TDC, can you input that exact advance number in MS.Another words, is there that kind of flexibility with the programming, or does the sensor need to be located at certain degree intervals(ie 50, 60,90) I realize the advance degreeing of the sensor is to allow for ignition advance,

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