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Air dam ideas

Guest 2adz

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I just purchased a new air dam from MSA. It looks pretty good. I originally wanted the one with the bumper attached but frieght costs were a bit much for me. I want to fill in the gap between the grill and the air dam, does anyone have an opinion? Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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i made a custom grill for my 280z using expanded aluminum mesh. it looks similar to the 432R grill but more flush because it comes out to the edge of the surrounding body, it also hides the 280z type turn signals so they aren't visible until you turn the signals on. i'll post some pics of it when i get it anodized/painted this weekend.

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You could use a more 'ricer' kind of airdam from an Eclipse and 'cut-to-fit' the Z car. I have one and it would work, although it is a bit wider by about 4 inches total. Flars would help and then again so would a genuine Z spoiler :rolleyes:



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You know, I pulled the sucker from a Fiero (not what it originally was meant for) in the junkyard. Len168 said it is from an Eclipse, and from the look of it, I'd say it was a second generation car--no way to tell easily, but for $35, I can't complain since I'm going to cut and paste anyway. Again, keep in mind the year really does not matter since it will have to be cut, but I can say that the top of the airdam is even with the hood, like a G-nose, and it has nearly the same curve as well. Maybe Auxilary can take a pic or two, but he's disgusted with the idea of putting one on a Z car; too 'rice' for him.


The other idea is to buy a good looking airdam (fiberglass only) for a Honda Civic. Take it and cut to fit the Z. Or, you could cut and graft parts of it to an existing Z airdam. Or you could take plaster of paris, mold the desired shapes and contours, then glass over it once it dries. Lot's of options now that I think of it. Just make sure that the look you are going for will flow with the lines of the car--that takes an eye for design; that's not what everyone has, but this is a learning experience right?


Jared, if you have any other questions, you can always email me again. smile.gif



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Guest Anonymous

I like the ones that look like a piece of sheet metal rivoted to the stock body work. Old school air dam I know but functional and cool.


Im sorry I dont have any ideas as to filling it in for ya.

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Over the weekend I decided to put my money were my mouth was and started to make a new air dam for my z. My design objectives were to improve the areodynamics, lose some lift, and try to give it a slighty more modern apearence. I thought this would be easy as i have thought about it for a while but its bloody difficult. I started to try to do something like the new aston martin but there was no way it was going to work with the stock turning lights. I dont want to do a g-nose replica. I think this makes the nose look heavy.


At the moment its kind of like Terry O's and like the white z on the prevoius post (nice,BTW). The only think I would say is that the noses on both these cars look high becuase of the large grill opening. I have searched a bit over the last few days and have noticed that a lot of my favourite sports cars have grills that are much wider then they are high. I think this is what gives them the low look I like. Another way around this is to divide the grill horizontally (like the bumper does). I havent tried this yet, but might.


Any way, Its a hell of a lot harder then I thought it would be. Also, have a look on the body kit forum under "what kit is this". Thomas A. who made the car in question has found his way over to our play ground and has been talking about it. I think his front end with the intigrated front bumper is the best one i have seen.



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I would like to see solid band across the front directly under the hood ,followed by an oval opening split horizontaly by the bumper.

Ive always wondered why the designers stuck a large square grill on the car. It could probably flow enough cooling air at half the size. Why not fill the area above the bumper completly,then bring all the air in thru an air dam with integral scoop? Tom

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I was playing with the foam again this afternoon. I tried spliting the grill but it started to look a lot like the msa front cap, so off it came. Its coming along though. The opening is not quite oval and i have managed to incorperate the stock turning lights in now. The thing that i didnt really pay attention to before was that the z has quite a few sharp angles in its design. You cant just go and add something smooth to it and expect it to look right. Mabye this is what bugs me about about the g-nose. Any way the basic shape is done now. Its only in foam so i need to fill it and get it really smooth. I can take a couple of photos if any one wants to see it. I have no idea how to host them so I would have to mail them to someone.





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