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madkaw last won the day on January 9

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About madkaw

  • Birthday 08/25/1962

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    Bloomington, Indiana

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  1. Just a thought but you will find small cracks sometimes on the nose between the valves which might be more cosmetic than anything else and can be welded . I’d see what the machine shop says
  2. What year head ? Where are the cracks ?
  3. Adapters for Subbie diffs are still plenty available . That’s not the cheapest but easiest option - plug and play . 3.54 is the most common but there are 3.9 clutch types around .
  4. Time to modify over the winter . On the list is to quiet down the exhaust and try and get rid of all my drone issues . Also on the list is make another intake manifold based off of the diesel intake . Currently at the welder for the first step in the process . I am flipping around the plenum part of the intake to ‘uncurl’ the intake away from the engine . This gives much more room for the fuel rail and injectors . Also provides straighter shot to my CAI . I also plan on increasing plenum size for more volume . I noticed with the Protunerz and its 38mm runners that I lost a lot of torque down low . The diesel intake runners are an ideal size to match my ports in the head . Longer runners should also help . It will be interesting to see how the engine performs with this intake
  5. What year Z ? what trans crossmember ? Is the crossmember the early or late ? If the crossmember ( late ) is put in upside down that would lower the rear of the trans and raise the front of the engine .
  6. Not mounted in stock location though- right?
  7. So with his kit you have to run a 5mm spacer which I don’t have room for . I don’t remember reading about that with the kit offered here .
  8. thanks - I’ve never done business with them but I sent them a message
  9. These kits still around ?!! im ready to buy a full kit if they are
  10. Run 12vs to it - might as well try
  11. Maybe a pull up resistor at the CAS might help . My truck gave me fits and I ended up putting a pull up resistor at the CAS - even though the board had one - it fixed my issue . my buddy even put an oscilloscope to it and said the signal was fuzzy . The pull up resistor was a Hail Mary
  12. Yeah - I would sfinnerty1018@gmail.com
  13. Looked at your tune briefly . Might try increasing step size for better reliability . Mine only stays stable if power is always on like yours . Not sure I see anything that would cause a sync issue
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