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Everything posted by cho240z

  1. Hey jellobob! I need the entire passenger rear assembly, not just the stub axle. I don't need the spring or strut though! Sorry about the slow response, I have been out at sea working in the Gulf. Hope you still have it! If so I can pay with paypal immediately. Thanks, Cody Rongo
  2. Hello everyone! I am in desperate need of an early s30 passenger rear hub. 240 sized, NOT 280. I'm in Arizona. please email as I am shipping out on a job for a couple of months and won't have a phone available. Thanks in advance!!! Cody rongo chorongomon@gmail.com, crongo@gmail.com, crongo@csum.edu
  3. no one? all i need is the strut housing
  4. anyone got a right rear hub for an early 240z? im in the san fran bay area
  5. hahahaah z's are the ****!! get one, it will change your life i am in college (six years now!!! hahhahah) and am broke and have built 3 z's, two ls1's i do not own another car and mine have all been unreliable as can be! but only for a few hours at a time
  6. and hey who cares what vehicle that under frame came from!! do you worry about registration when you do a r230 swap? or a ls1 swap? or switch to aluminum control arms?
  7. that z is so sick. ultimate hybrid. beauty of the z plus the a indestructibility of a big truck i don't care too much for the flames though. not z like at all!!
  8. Sweet! I'm still in Maine at the moment but I will be home in Arizona next week. I will be emailing you then! Thanks!
  9. hello! anyone in AZ have a drivers side rear hub/strut assembly with the drum brake? i don't need the suspension or arm just the hub, brake attached would be nice. thanks! cody rongo
  10. i'm wanting to sell mine. its a 280 though. clean az car with a 6 speed. hit me up. my email is chorongomon@gmail.com . i can take some pics if your interested. pretty rare factory black
  11. well if anyone is interested in a LS1 Z for a decent price hit me up. i'll post it in the for sale section soon, just haven't gotten around to it yet
  12. make me an offer man, i'm down to haggle. as mentioned above a super clean example could go for $20,000+. the car is not perfect but it's a pretty good example of a clean arizona car (near perfect body with totally trashed plastics and rubber). it's factory black too which is bad ass and pretty rare
  13. hey bugeater, i'm thinking of selling mine. its a 78 with a 99 LS1, 6-speed. hit me up and make an offer. i'll get you some pics if your interested. peace
  14. here is the info mcleod industries quick disconnect to 4an 22 inches long $70 but is worth not having to hack anything up part number 139213
  15. call mcleod industries. they have what you're looking for. a chevy quick disconnect to a 3-an i believe for maybe 65 bucks. stainless steel braided. do a search as i'm pretty sure i posted the part number somwhere before
  16. i would like the intake setup you have, but even just that first elbow would be nice. like i said earlier mine is huge, ugly, alluminum, and just pisses me off. does that first bend reduce? im not 100% sure but the MAF is smaller then the TB right?
  17. man im likeing it alot but i cant find it on the site. i guess ill just call and ask. thanks for the info. how do you like first gear with that rear bye the way? launching in first with the stock 3.36 seems too damn short sometimes
  18. 30 miles/gallon!!! thats amazing!! mine sure doesnt get that but i guess its mostly my fault 1 tuff z, where did you find the intake elbow you have on there? i hate mine, its way to big a radius curve. your radiator setup is sweet too, are those the stock corvette fans? a like the duel look
  19. where is everyone getting their zg's?? i have not been too impressed with the quality of motorsport's fiberglass pieces in the past, and in you'alls pics they look pretty solid. does beta sell them?? i couldnt find them on the site
  20. ok i found it. im stupid. but im in. an email has been sent
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