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Everything posted by Vindicare

  1. ? pop off the horn pad and undo the big nut.... you will probly need a puller to get it off....
  2. need anymore be said... highest bid $405, now that would be more reasonable. People who buy parts like this and then expect to make big money off them is what ruins owning a old nice car for everyone else.
  3. well im not looking to get ripped off.... thnx for bringing it up, but he already Pm'd me before hand. Even nos on yahoo japan is less delivered then he want's as a minimum. Guess we'll see how much he gets offered, but i dont think it will get to his $1000 reserve
  4. http://www.viczcar.com/forum/index.php/topic,658.210.html
  5. yeah mate im not too keen on spending $2400 on a wheel. That is a heavily inflated price. One sold 2 weeks ago NOS for 695.... I'm not a chump.
  6. jebus! could get something completely custom for less then that, also the pic doesn't appear to be the right bore spacing for a l28?
  7. My mechanic took care of this for me, however, he did not mention having to modify anything to get the speedo to work off the normal rb25 transmission. He actually said I wouldn't need to bother buying a electronic speedo after I'd mentioned it pre-install I can try find out more if anyone would like. Aaron
  8. Cheers guys, someone had already removed the pin so I just loosened the clamp and spun it to the right orientation. Thanks for all your fast responses. Aaron
  9. Hey guys, I had a quick search and couldn't find what I was looking for. My question is, Does the oil supply/drain have to be vertical for it to work properly? Reason I ask is because the Turbo manifold I have sits the bearing casing on the horizontal plane. Also. Is it possible to change the orientation of the compressor housing on a Holset hy35? I need to turn that also 90 degree's. This Manifold is starting to give me a headache Aaron
  10. i have time to wait, i'd prefer a stock one, not a custom one. If i wanted custom i'd stick with what i have already or buy something else. But really i want to go back to a stockish steering wheel, im just not keen on wood.
  11. dunno mate, head over to http://www.viczcar.com/forum in the general disscussion sections there is a sticky ask what you want your car to look like, the guys who owns the car posted that picture there.
  12. Hi guys, Chasing one of these steering wheels. It was a JDM optioned steering wheel. Same as the old wood one but with leather instead. I've tried yahoo auctions, with no luck so far. If anyone could point me in the right direction to getting one, that would be great. Cheers
  13. I'd liek to know the same, being about to install a RB25 gearbox, so custom drive shaft anyway @_@
  14. I can try take a few photo's if you like, i bought this kit about 6ish months ago and have been running it behind a 148hp turbo l24 with a KAAZ clutch type limited slip. (still collecting parts for my L28 build ). At the time my uni's were going, so i thought I'd just upgrade there rather then fit the uni's. I haven't had a problem with them yet. In fact I'll go take some pictures now and see if I can put them on this computer. Below is just a picture to show how "low" the car is
  15. I don't mean to sound rude but what sort of money were you looking at for this intake? It's just so phenomenal in design, and I imagine there was a lot of time put into making the programming for the CNC machine? Aaron
  16. you can use normal r200 half shafts. no need to convert to CV's. O'kay, I recommend getting the 1.5 way KAAZ over the 2 way, much less harsh on the drive line. The problem i have at the moment with my KAAZ is that it is chopping out my control arm bushes due to the extreme way in which it locks up. It's either I power through a corner or i have to neutral it. anything else and it locks and unlocks the diff constantly, thus causing my bushes to flog out. I've got new urethane bushes, and I'll see how they go (Last ones look like rubber, but my mechanic said he put in urethane, who knows). I will try it with new bushes, but if the same happens im going to have to offload it to someone who needs straight line traction, then I'll probably get a quiaffe. Aaron
  17. Does anyone know where i could find out this type of information. Regardless the 2.3l unit would produce far too much boost at max speed. However, being that it pushes more air per revolution, could I not bleed of excess pressure with a waste gate type arrangement. thus letting me have a certain pressure in the plenum but having the FLOW at all RPM's to keep away from pressure drop, and havepower available at most places in the rpm range?
  18. dont happen to know what type of variables need to go in that do you? like litres, CID?... Using litres it says i will only make 21 PSI, which for such a large blower i couldn't see that being right as the blower is being pushed to 10500 rpm at redline using a 1.5 pulley ratio.
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