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Everything posted by Dr_Rich

  1. Thank you very much for the info. I kinda' thought that was how to wire it, but I didn't want to fry anything trying blindly. Thanks Again!! ~Richard
  2. Thanks for the kind words. I am pretty happy with the install so far, and I don't miss the wires crossing over the valve cover. I will post some pics later today. Thanks again!
  3. I just had a Wolf Engine Management System in my '73 240Z. My stock 240Z tach doesn't work, and I was told I need to install a 280Z tach in it's place to work. I now have the works out of a 280Z tach into the shell of a 240Z tach. My question is how to wire it? I read that you must switch power and ground. But where do I get the tach signal from? Here is a pic of my 240Z Tach wiring BEFORE I transferred the 280Z works into the shell. Here is a pic of the back of the 280Z tach sans wires. which wires go where? Thanks in Advance! ~Richard
  4. My Wolf is ALIVE!! Big Thanks to Ron Tyler!!
  5. Here is the wiring diagram for the RX-7 Power Mirrors. Lg = Light Green LgY= Light Green with Yellow Stripe LgB= Light Green with Black Stripe LgR= Light Green with Red Stripe Enjoy! ~Richard
  6. The Body Electric section PDF file is over 14 Megabytes in size, and will take a minute or two to download to your computer. I hope this helps. If not, let me know, and I can post the pages with the wiring info. ~Richard
  7. I found my mirrors in the classified section of http://www.rx7club.com/ (You need to register to get to the classified section). This will also help: It's an online 1985 RX-7 Service Manual. http://foxed.ca/rx7manual/85_manual.html Look under Body Electric, section 15-41. enjoy! ~Richard
  8. I put Gen I RX-7 electric mirrors on my 240Z. They are a direct bolt-on, and are built very well. I went to an RX-7 forum and bought both mirrors for $35 in their classifieds! They fit very well, and I like the flow of the mirrors on the car. Here are my pics: Oh, and did I mention they are electric?
  9. That looks awesome! Thanks for the step by step pics. Great Job! ~Richard
  10. I am looking for a Series One S30 long pigtail fusebox. I don't care about the condition of the fusebox itself, it can be melted. I care more of the wires and plugs of the harness. Thanks in Advance! Richard dr_rich007@hotmail.com
  11. I would like to thank all of you guys who have posted with your support. I am really looking forward to all of this. I know it will be a lot of work, but I am anxious to hear my car come to life with the Wolf... Thanks again! ~Richard
  12. Hey! It looks like your project will be a very involved one. wow... And Yes, I will be bringing it over and starting it on Friday morning, and hopefully driving it home on Saturday. ~Richard
  13. Well, I am joining the ranks of proud Wolf owners. I will be installing my Wolf system in less than a week now (Big Thanks go to Ron Tyler). I have been ordering all the parts and pieces and am assembling sub-harnesses preping for the install. I am looking forward to all of this. It seems rather daunting, but I am trying to stay focused and take it all a step at a time. Stay tuned for updates and pics. ~Richard
  14. hmmm... Here I am. Finally catching up on Wolf system info, getting ready for my install (Finally!). and what do I see? I have missed this comment until today. Thanks Hugh!! Heh, heh...
  15. I am getting new tires for my '73 240Z and I have been told that the Kumho 712's are one of the best. has anyone ran a set of the new Kumho SPT Ecsta tires yet? I was told today by someone at a tire shop that the Kumho 712's are being discontinued. My understanding is that the SPT's are it's replacement. Any thoughts by anyone who has ran either? Thanks in Advance! ~Richard
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