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Everything posted by Zman0690

  1. Thank you for the reaction research reference, I've seen there stuff before but decided to take a second look and what I am looking for was EXACTLY on their website under Subtle Z - Ron Best's. and Does ANYONE has any other pictures of this car or others like it, it literally is exactly what I want to do with mine, I already have all the pieces but would like any additional info on this car that is out there. Thanks Josh
  2. Alright I'm either way too tire from looking all night or my eyes have failed me but I am looking for any and all pictures of an S30 or S130 with a MSA body kit that has fender and quarter flares. Any and all flares welcome besides ZG, I have seen plenty of kits with ZG's however its not my cup of tea. Thanks ahead of time to everyone that helps me with this.
  3. I've got one that I'd be willing to part with, needs a tad bit of work (part of the gelcoat chipped off). PM me and I'll get you some pics, I'm sure you'll be happy with the price.
  4. I cannot speak from personal experience, only what others have said, but I wish you the best of luck with using them under your circumstances and that's all I'm going to say.
  5. Here are a set of choke cables, one end has a fork with a hole in it like is on the end of a brake or clutch master the other end is threaded.
  6. I definitely know that this is the hood release cable cause I just listed it on Ebay.
  7. I'm starting to think this maybe a clutch cable, its approx 86" long. Anyone else have any ideas.
  8. Ok fellas I'm at a complete loss. I'm trying to go through all my extra parts, and I've got a lot of them. However for the life of my I cannot identify what cable this is. I've got a garage FULL of stuff and I think I pulled this off thinking, "I'll never forget what this goes to." Well a dozen years and a few hundred parts later my mind has failed me. Help me out here! BTW all my parts are going up on ebay unless someone has a request. Thanks in advance!
  9. It makes me think that the results must not have been good.
  10. If anyone has ever found a cam with a stamp other than the factory please let me know as I am really at a loss here.
  11. Found it on a P79 that I had laying around and I can't seem to find any info on it, or that it even exists according to the datsun stock cam sheet that I have archived from http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/cam/index.htm any help or info you have would be appreciated. Thanks!
  12. Although they would be nice to have as added insurance, if everything that has been stated is true then wouldn't those gears eventually fail from syncro/spring failure? Unless I'm missing something it just seems like its going to be and even more expensive failure for the helical set. Those prices are also in AUD but 6300+ USD is still way rediculous. It also seems that they may only sell straight cut which would eliminate the syncros but be a PITA to drive on the street. Anyone else found or know of anyone who makes/sells high performance syncro sets?
  13. OMG look at those replacement body pieces! . . . please excuse me while I dream of being able to find those in the US.
  14. Aright I got my guy on it today and got some clarifications on the number thing. As stated before the actual part number is the first set. IE 22680 is an 80mm MAF sensor. The second set as stated is what vehicle the part will actually fit. IE it denotes a specific style of the part in question, most noticable will be the shape/style. He is going to run the numbers tomorrow and pull some to see if there is anything else he can come up with such as variances in the plugs and see if he can get a breakdown of what each location in the second set denotes.
  15. I have kept looking and have still not found anything either, only solution may be to attempt to modify the stock springs or attempt to find others that have a higher tension, as I assume this is why they fail.
  16. Well I'll first start off by saying that there are many more variables than can be accounted for in a short post like this but you have hit on a few important ones and that is the power to weight ratio, which is most directly related to ET. MPH, as stated, is mostly dependant on traction and secondly by gearing. Of course I'm no engineer, so I'm sure someone will come along and set me straight on this. With that said you can have some moderate variances in MPH, however ET's of cars with similar power to weight ratios should be almost identical given equal traction and gearing. I'll sit here and wait patiently for someone to correct me as I'm sure there is someone here who knows more about this than me.
  17. Well I'm not quite sure as the Z31 VG30ET MAF Part # is 22680-25P00 - once again it would seem that 22680 is the part number for an 80mm MAF, still won't be able to decode the second half of the part # until atleast tommorrow.
  18. Well the first board I used after becoming interested in Z's, oohhh 12 years, would not let me use "Zman" and instead suggested Zman0690. I figured why not and I've used it on every forum, PM, Login ever since.
  19. Well I thought I would post this in the public so others may use it for reference but this is what I have so far for you. More detailed info later in a PM. RB20DE(T) Part # 22680-16V00 RB20DE(T) Part # 22680-02U00 RB25DE Part # 22680-02U00 VH45DE Part # 22680-61U00 VH45DE Part # 22680-61U01 VG30DE(T) Part # 22680-16V00 VG30DE(TT) Part # 22680-30p00 90-96 300ZX and 300ZXTT Specifically Anyways just thought I would give you a heads up, also all are 80mm and the only difference, if any, that there seems to be is the harness connection.
  20. While I don't work in Nissan parts I know someone that does and he told me the first series of numbers are the "actual" part number while the second set of alpha/numeric is for application cross compatability. Don't know if this exactly helps but I might be able to forward some of these numbers on to him and see what he comes up with. Let me know, it'll take a day or two.
  21. Nashz32tt you state that your tranny failure is what prompted you to do the RB26 swap but you did not state what tranny you ended up using in your swap. I thought it was established earlier in this thread that the R32/33 had the same internals as the Z32. So did you end up using a 5spd out of a r34? Preliminary searching has not produced any upgrades for the Z32 tranny but I'm still looking. Also several other sources I've found have also stated the HP limit of the Z32 at around 600hp.
  22. I can't seem to get your link to work, please repost.
  23. This is indeed why I posted this in the first place. My Hp goal is around 600 or mid 10s in my 240z in the quarter, whichever comes first. I do not wish to invest in this setup ( Flywheel, clutch, Trans, crossmember, driveshaft, etc. ) and then have to swap it completely out and start all over. How long will these transmissions last? If their internals are the same as the Z32 then does anyone know of an upgraded syncro/gear setup that would work? Kind of odd that there is no one on here that has pushed these transmissions to their limit, none that I could find anyway.
  24. While taking alex's advise I found the following on rbmotoring.com, although it does not state limits I think it gives an idea. Transmission - In R32 ,R33 making over 500hp to the rear wheels , 3rd gear has had some issues while drag racing. The synchros are also not all that durable. The internals of the R32,R33 are the same as the 300ZX twin turbo. Redline Shockproof Heavy Gear Oil. We used it in our 10.7 drag car with a stock transmission and it seems to really help with transmission durability. The Getrag in an R34 requires its own special oil.The oil is available from Toyota dealerships and its $40 a liter. The Getrag does not like Shockproof Heavy, so don't use it in it.. OS Giken transmission internal upgrades for the R32-R33 seem to be good up to 700 hp. So anyone out there hit their 600hp mark using a RB25 transmission? If so what is your experience?
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