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Posts posted by Daeron

  1. Wheelman, Thank you for the welcome. I am trying to get it together and paint it before cold weather sets in. But hunting season is going to put a dent in my Z work. Snag point


    You must be joking.. you are from Walla Walla Washington, AND you are a hunter?



    you all KNOW that this BEGS the question.. What are you hunting for??








    It wouldnt be......











    WABBITS, perchance??!!

  2. 1 fast Z, many many congratulations on being the first to realize the dream; The issue at hand here is one of the first questions I asked that expanded my mechanical education. That question (repeated here rhetorically) is Why DID datsun stick with the non crossflow head on these motors?


    It sounds almost like a ferrari, almost like a jag.. but ENTIRELY like a Z engine, which is more than I can say for alot of L-series with undesirable exhaust systems. The image it calls to MY mind is this:


    Alfa-Romeo 2600 Spyder; all aluminum engine, DOHC crossflow head, triple dellorto's(?) circa 1964


    'cept of course, yours is alot PURDIER!!!


    Regarding the wording, it is enough simply to state that it was function over form; ALWAYS a trump card in my book.


    That exhaust note is pure heaven, and this is possibly the single most inspiring thing I have ever seen on this forum. As I said earlier to BRAAP in a PM, I have been eagerly awaiting this day (okay, well, two days ago; my original response post got wiped along with a few others, heh) with bated breath since.. well, since I first asked my uncle why the carbs and the exhaust were on the same side, about half my lifetime ago!!


    Bark second gear once, for me, after you get the machine on the road? Thats all I ask!:cool:

  3. lol @ breeze comment, if i had a nickel for every time I thought just that...


    gets annoying real fast? only the attention from the police.. if you truly believe that then you need a V8, me bucko.. the exhaust note is the # 1 reason to stick with the L-series if you ask me.


    brrraaaAAAP! BraAAAAP!! br-rrrrRRAAAPPP!!! (thats why I loved that man from the get go)

  4. uh-oh.. Dear BRAAP is "getting soft...." dare I say he is "flip-flopping???"


    how are you going to perform on the upcoming Moderator Debates? This may allow others to marinate and skewer you... what might the exit polls show on Primary Day??


    tsk, tsk. and I thought we had a "leader..." :rolleyesg

  5. Having never ported a L6 head I have some questions..is there enough material to support removing that much metal? How far back into the runner would you blend to port match? Wouldn't it be an issue moving the injector much higher or will the port centerline be brought in line to place the injector back in it's stock location? I'm very excited about getting my flange! The prototype looks excellent!


    read the "big and nasty headwork" sticky.. and search the term "port centerline" and either RonTyler's username, or BRAAP's.. I cant remember which of them posted about this, but someone removed HEAPS of the port roofline.. IIRC they used a manifold with a much larger hole, and lined the bottoms of the holes up, then port matched the head by removing metal at the top only..


    I am trying to say there is an excellent thread where ALL OF That was abundantly discussed, and more, worked on. Pretty pictures, too.


    Not but what THIS thread aint got some mighty purdy engine prOn ;)

  6. Yup. Many road racing tracks won't allow regular anti-freeze in the cooling system because of how slippery it is if it gets spilled. I used water wetter and water exclusively for years in the ROD mainly for the anti-corrosion additives and pump seal lube.


    I have heard this alot, from many racers whose opinions I hold highly. I wasn't going to regurgitate the info myself, BUT I WILL give it a big ol' +1

  7. thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!


    THIS is EXACTLY what I have been looking for!!! Low Buck Solution! NOW I can fix the problem that derailed my car the way I want to.


    As a trade, I will tell you that late 80's BMW 3-series have wonderful detachable relay brackets complete with plastic cover....



  8. for bang for your buck, you will have tons more fun in the car if you work on the suspension before you go as far as an engine swap. A new set of bushings alone tighten up ANY 30 year old car like you wouldn't believe.. and after driving my 280 every day for five years, sitting down in my brothers' race car with coilovers, adjustable camber, and all new rubbers underneath.. the difference is night and day.


    Both my 280, and their 240, are stock as far as engine is concerned. My 280 was running the stock FI, and their racecar is running the twin SUs. Belive it or not, 150 crank horsepower is ALOT of fun in a ~2400 pound car, IF the underpinnings can handle it.


    Sorry I couldn't help on the dizzy questions, but I figured I would give advice anyhow.

  9. Please allow me to retort. I suppose its a matter of preference. I didn't say terrible I said preferable. Life is full of choices and if you want a dash cover go for it. I have two dashes both with small 4 inch cracks on each of them and I'd prefer to repair them. The dashes are pretty low on my priority list though. Number one is the seats and number two is the butterscotch interior. Butterscotch is a seventies color and I'd perfer something else. Even Daeron refers to his plastic dash as tacky, his word not mine.


    my word indeed. I would certainly prefer a nice uncracked dash to a dash cap... but the cap is certainly the easy way to go, and the full face ones fit well and are very discreet. the biggest issue I have with mine are the @#$% screwholes left by a PO.. essentially voiding any goodness the dash cap had.


    24 hours may be too short a time to tell but it seems that this tackiness IS the only "problem" with the dash cap.


    BTW, there WAS a pun in there.. tacky, dash caps, glued on... har har... :rolleyesg

  10. Whats so terrible about the dash caps? Is it specifically the ones for s30's? (I was going to pick one up a full dash cap here in the next few weeks)

    I've seen dash caps go on a few cars and they turn out great if you do it correctly.

    I agree with a few of the previous posters, this looks nice, but will not last.


    My thoughts exactly.. I have one on my 280Z, and it aint even in great shape (couple of screw holes, thanks PO) but outside of being just a *shade* "tacky" for lack of a better term, it seems fine by me. I will take a dash cap over a carpet cover any day, at least.. and it cant GET any easier.

  11. Haven't done much with them lately. They may end up on the race car along with a Rebello head this winter. If this is the direction I go, I'll post photos and dyno results.


    yuh, the REST of the engine was what I was curious on. I think I am more interested in what they sound like than anything else; all other questions are beyond satisfied in my mind. :flamedevi

  12. lets see if these pics show up. if they do then here's some pics of my 77'.

    its currently waiting on the head to be finished. got it fer a grand.


    I can't say that I would build a car like that, but that is one MEAN looking Z!! :2thumbs:


    EDIT I just noticed you were in Georgia.. and you have a pantera hatch.. What ever happened to a second round of aero testing, and could you possibly drive to Mooresville NC to have your car run through a wind tunnel for the informational benefit of the community?

  13. crap. well since the thread has gone off topic anyhow, thanks for that link.. It is AMAZING the number of things I have yet to think to look up on YouTube. why, it was only the other day that I finally got around to looking up old episodes of Red Dwarf!!!


    I have heard tapes of either this TV series, or the radio series, or one of the commercial audio releases... and also have MP3s of a DIFFERENT set of the above (tapes of one, MP3s of another) but I have never actually SEEN anything but the recent movie. THANKS!


    (and, sorry for the thread jack!!)

  14. any chance you could just cutt off the bolted on flanges and use some parts store exhaust pipe couplers to hack the thing together, just to get you home?


    I am throwing "ideal" to the wind here and trying to brainstorm ideas to help get you and your car home; a "real" exhaust system would need to be built after that. If you can hack together something good enough to tide you over for a while by having the exhaust shop match them up, then great.. but I wouldn't pay them too much to put something together that will need to be replaced rather soon anyhow, you know? Better to do the hack job yourself for cheaper, if replacement will be needed soon in any case.


    I have known multiple vehicles whose exhaust systems were patched/held together with soup cans and muffler clamps; it works surprisingly well.

  15. how bad is the mismatch between round header and square exhaust port??? I know plenty of people have run the Square header on Round exhaust port heads without difficulty.. Does it LOOK like it covers the holes fairly well?


    I mean, it might be FAR from ideal, but if it looks like it covers fully then it should WORK at least...




    Now you lost me... I thought an Eddie was the area behind a protrusion in the flow, where the fluid is barely moving which would create a localised boiling spot?????


    What do you mean by "space-time continuum"???




    You were right, I was quoting a book; the Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy. Actually, one of the sequels. It's where my user avatar comes from.


    It was a nerd joke, purposefully obscure and I was hoping to draw someone out on commenting on it. Pardon the confusion. It came up in the book exactly like this, one character made a reference to "eddies in the space time continuum" that they could ride out of prehistoric earth, two million years into the future and back to their own time. The other character was confused, and asked who eddy was and what he was doing in the space time continuum.

  17. Just subscribe to the tread... that's what I always do when i don't want to loose track of something...


    Whenever a new post is added, you get noticed by e-mail and you can access the tread you subscribed to in your "User CP"


    yah, well, I wanted to complement the poster of the method and subscribe in one effort. :icon45:

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