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Pop N Wood

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Posts posted by Pop N Wood

  1. The R200 I got out of a JY has noticeable backlash. With the car in gear and the back wheels off the ground, I can move one of the wheels a degree or so before I hear a light clunk and see the other wheel move.


    Don't know what is excessive, but mine has held up well. To get around the clunk on mine I just turn up the radio. :D


    Maybe someone else knows the correct answer.

  2. Your absolute cheapest option is a welded diff. But make sure this is what you want because it has some issues on the street. Do a search. Lots of good info on this here.


    Next step would be an LSD R160 out of a Subaru. Cheap because no one thinks they want them. Do a search. Some people have good luck with them.


    The turbo diff is what everyone thinks they want because in theory it is the cheapest option. But unfortunately they are not all that common and the people who have them know what they are worth. Plus they usually need rebuilding. Mo $$


    Last there is the phantom grip. A poor man's LSD to be sure, but once again opinions vary. Do a search and see what I mean.


    The undisputed champion is the Quaiffe. It has several advantages over either the viscous or clutch type LSD's. It may seem like a lot of money, but from what those in the know say it is money so well spent it is arguably the cheapest option in the long run. Once again, do a search.

  3. Does it do it when you lightly get on and off the throttle? If yes then drivetrain and suspension checks are in order.


    First place to check is always the front diff mount. Need a jack to really check that correctly. Have known guys who got clunks from loose suspension bushings. After that I would check the strut bolts, both the isolator and strut rod nut. My Z had such a clunk. Turned out the D shaped hole in the isolator had rounded out allowing the strut rod to wobble (very dangerous. It almost wore through the rod.). Also check the gland nut for play. I also had clunks comming from loose bolts attaching the diff to the mustache bar. Finnaly check all the drive and half shaft bolts are tight. Basically torque every nut and bolt in the rear end.


    Another possiblity is excessive backlash in the diff.


    If it does it going up hill at a steady speed, drivetrain/suspension slop is probably not it. Look for things like exhaust pipes hitting the floor boards, loose parking brake cables, loose fuel lines.


    Good luck.

  4. A friend gave me a fuel injection setup for a '58 vette, you know the big boxey thing with the cross flags on top.


    58 Vettes came with an optional mechanical fuel injection. Definitely pretty cool. Also pretty rare and I would imagine worth some money if it works. I agree hood clearance might be an issue. That FI unit didn't last many years. Have to wonder how difficult it would be to tune and maintain.


    I recognize the car in the pics, but I can't remember who. Big fat rear wheels and flat black paint. You might want to look at Pete Paraska's site.




    He originally had a 327 that was pretty old school




    I originally wanted the big air cleaner look of a carbed small block. But decided I don't want to give up the advantages of a nice, modern fuel injected engine with aluminum heads. But that 64 vette engine does sound like a steal.

  5. That much steel would be pretty expensive and probably not last 10 years before rusting through. Also 11 guage doesn't seem that thick to me.


    With proper footers I can't imagine you having any trouble with a slab that size. Might be a little more difficult to dig footers with the pole barn already in place. Minor cracks are no big deal. Your local building codes are more than likely sufficient. If you are really worried about it, double up on the rebar and pour a thicker slab.


    I couldn't imagine working on a car on a steel deck. Better hope it doesn't get cold where you live.

  6. Blah Blah Blah


    Guess I really don't understand the point of that diatribe.



    I spent 6 years in the peace time Navy (1976-1982). All we really did was drive around buying stereo equipment. I personally, and not many fellow shipmates, thought about it in terms of defending our nation. We had a job running the reactor plant (made with asbestos and radioactive, lead based paint). Sort of allows you a different perspective than some grunt constantly on field maneuvers.


    20 years later I am now old enough to see the big picture. Or at least more of it. I think military service has a much greater sense of purpose today than it did during my term of enlistment, cold war or not. I don't know how much closer to "my front porch" the attacks have to get then the 9/11 attacks. I would imagine there was more than one Frenchman saying the same thing up to the point of the Paris invasion. The crisis seems pretty real to me, especially when I ride Amtrak between DC and NYC.


    As for DU rounds and long deployments in war zones, there is an old saying that courage is not the absence of fear but the realization that there is something more important. I personally applaud those who are doing their part and like Wheelman wish I could do more to help.

  7. As the greatest general of the last century said' date=' General Vo Giap of North Vietnam,



    Have to admit, you made me choke on my coffee with that one.


    Gen. Giap felt that technology was irrelevent and essentially developed the modern multi-modal warfare concept


    He sure didn’t seem to mind all those Russian surface to air missiles' date=' anti-air craft guns and Russian intel on where the next B52 strike was going to occur.


    Mohammed Farah Aidid defeated us in Somalia withough very many shots simply by brutalizing the bodies of dead American soldiers and using the press to broadcast it.


    Maybe you aren’t aware of why we went to Somalia in the first place. We were there on a humanitarian mission, trying to feed starving people because a corrupt bunch of criminals in the cities were high jacking the UN food meant for the rural areas. When your mission changes from feeding starving victims of a lawless society to machine gunning “cowboys†in an urban area, then you pretty much have to rethink why you are there. If anything it points out what the Rhodes scholar hadn’t learned, that you don’t put troops in harms way without adequate support and a commitment to a well defined set of goals.


    I think you are also vastly overstating the impact of the videos. The dead Americans were page 3 news because of something else (I forget exactly what) that happened on the same day. I would be willing to bet if the movie “Black Hawk Down†had never been made Somalia would have as much significance to the average American as the war cry “Remember the Maine!â€


    Also, last I heard Adid was killed some years ago, victim of his own ways. I guess you could look upon him as some great tactician. Kind of a David and Goliath type. I see him as just another criminal who “escaped†justice by having little to no regard for human life. Maybe the truth is somewhere between those two extremes.



    but doesn't it disturb you that thousands of Iraqis who said they would defend Saddam to the death simply vanished into the desert? What we have here is a group of people who have carefully studied and planned for assymetric warfare over the past 12 years.


    The history channel has done some incredibility informative biographies of Saddam’s life. It is hard to imagine what an iron hand Saddam used to rule Iraq. Thousands pledged to defend Saddam to the death simply because that is what they' date=' and their entire families, would have been subjected to had they not. Our whole invasions was predicated on the hunch that the Iraqi troops would cut and run like they did. No one would over extend their supply lines and leave their flanks as exposed as we did otherwise.


    I also think you are over romanticizing the notion that the Iraqi army faded into the background to wage a guerrilla war. The average Iraqi soldier is just some poor conscript who has spent years being jerked around by a one manipulative regime after another. IMO the average Iraqi has no more desire for world domination than the average American. All they really want to do is to be left in peace to live their lives and raise their children. Maybe watch a little MTV. Who knows?


    And who are the “insurgents†in Iraq? The interim Iraqi president said it himself. We roll into Iraq, disband the army and fail to secure the borders. Now Iraq is full of foreigners who are hell bent on causing us to fail. They have absolutely no regard for Iraq or it’s people. They just want to wage war on Americans. Give the Iraqi government some time to get established and THEY will be the ones to deal with the insurgents. Surely your parallels to the Vietnam war will help you see the validity of that plan. People have a right to self determination. That is what George W is hoping for.



    but they will continue to blow up American soldiers one by one until we get tired of it and leave.


    You use the word “we†rather loosely. Don’t include me in your plans. But you are right. If enough Americans get “tired†of it and that causes us to cut and run, then I don’t know if they will so much have won as we will have failed. But while the average American may or may not believe we should be in Iraq, I am reasonably certain the majority of Americans think we should finish what we started.


    Sorry to look like I was picking out your statements above all others. I have read quite a number of you posts and respect your opinions. But any posting calling Giap the “greatest general of the last century†is bound to illicit a response from somebody.

  8. Good info from JohnC. I'll use this post in future arguments.


    I can tell you from my ABS testing on rental cars that some of the cheaper ABS units simply alternate which wheel they want to lock up. I use to get cavaliers up to about 50-60 mph then stand on the brakes. The car would lurch and studder, and in the rear view I would see an alternating stitch work of skid marks where it alternated locking up the right and left tires. Heavier cars tended to work a little more smoothly, but the brakes still noticably pulsated left to right (causing steering instabilities) under full braking. I have never driven a BMW or NSX so I can't comment on those units.


    Also you do know on gravel or snow covered roads, a car that can lock up the wheels will stop shorter than a car with ABS. Something about plowing a small pile of gravel/snow in front of the tires.


    I personally don't see the need for ABS on a street car. Just another expensive thing to break. The way most people drive I would think you could add more safety with automatic tire inflators.

  9. I spend a lot of time on this board. I have read several times about people with 4 row radiators who have cooling problems. I know a Griffin radiator is not an inexpensive option, but guys who run them with a Taurus fan don't have cooling problems. Don't know what it is about the 4 row cores, but they don't cool as well as even the 3 rows. And like someone said, the aluminum units are much lighter.


    Also I would think a 100 amp alternator would be a necessity with the Taurus fan.

  10. I did the upgrade probably 14 years ago now on my 1970. I had to adjust the rod to get the brakes to engage properly. It should be simple to tell. If the rod is too short the brake pedal will move without any backpressure. When I first did it I got 2 or 3 inches of pedal movement before the brakes came in with the last inch of travel.


    Adjusting the rod was simple on a 240. The rod is threaded and adjustable. I adjusted it out a couple of times until I got maybe 1/2 inch of free travel before backpressure. I did it with the stock 1970 booster ( the really small one).


    Two other things. I had to swap the brake lines front to back on my 240. Make sure the front brake line goes to the end of the MC with the larger reserviour. Might already be that way with a 77.


    Second I upgraded to stainless steel brake lines. Makes a huge difference in pedal feel. Now once the pedal engages the MC, the brakes come on right now with very little additional pedal travel.

  11. Are you people really that wrapped up in your own little worlds that you can't see there might be other perspectives? Are you truly so arrogant as to believe that man is some "majestic being" and not just another part of the natural cycle of life and death? Can't you see the natural part hunters play in the balance of nature?


    Who are the freaks of nature? The people who recognize the cycle and rhythm of nature' date=' or [b']arm chaired, overly analytical, pony tailed Hillary wannabes who don't like hunting because it is icky[/b]? Perhaps it is the guy who thinks it all boils down to penis envy. Wanna talk about issues?


    So there you have it, a call for open-mindedness followed by a bashing. I share some of your thoughts on conservation, but which side of the fence are you on here? When you read something you disagreed with, you lashed out the same way others condemned your opinion. No difference whatsoever. If everyone played by the rules in your 1st paragraph we'd be more in the spirit of Hybrid Z, rather than the alternative. :D


    Well, you know, I tried quoting Wordsworth and it went unnoticed, so I had to turn to the sound bite.


    And I don't think that last part is bashing. Probably could have worded it in a less inflammatory manner, but I was trying to point out a genre of people who are incapable or unwilling to see any perspective outside their own. Couple that with politicians the like of Hillary “don’t worry I know what is best for you whether you know it or not†Clinton and it is not hard to imagine why people get defensive when their whole way of life is attacked. I honestly don’t care who agrees with my opinion, but at least support your arguments with some sound analytical conclusions.


    And one more thing. People are complaining about the needless suffering of the animals and talk about giving then a humane death, and at the same time deriding the hunters for using high power, high tech, “scoped†rifles to gain an unfair advantage. Well guess what: the bigger and more accurate the rifle the greater the chance of making a clean kill.


    And one last thing, we are not the only “animal†that kills for some reason other than food. Dianne Fossy chronicled a tribe (pack? Clan?) of Chimpanzees that actually went to war with another group, killing off all the males using weapons and stole the females. Ever seen that video of the killer whale tossing a seal about in the surf? Lions will routinely attack hyenas, partly to gain territory but also out of spite. Male lions will kill their own young if they are males. A house cat will kill a mouse not out of hunger, but simply because that is the way God made them. Even generations of domestication cannot breed that instinct out of them.


    We as humans can strive for more, but who are we to think we are above millions of years of evolution?

  12. We might want to tone down the rhetoric or this thread will be gone.


    Maybe I got a little too metaphysical before. The non-hunters in this thread are not doing a very good job of listening. That is why they can't see why anyone would condone hunting. You try and project all types of reasons why someone would hunt and don't listen to why they actually do, then make all kinds of emotional arguments against it without facing many of the essential facts of the matter.


    Sort of reminds me of the hybrid vs purist thread.....


    Are you people really that wrapped up in your own little worlds that you can't see there might be other perspectives? Are you truly so arrogant as to believe that man is some "majestic being" and not just another part of the natural cycle of life and death? Can't you see the natural part hunters play in the balance of nature?


    You guys complain about duck hunters, yet the if it wasn't for hunter groups like Ducks Unlimited there would not be anywhere near the habitat for ducks today. Did you know there are more deer in the US today than when Columbus landed? Have you read about the number of people who have been eaten by mountain lions in California since they banned hunting a few years ago? Do you honestly think it is better for game animals to die of starvation and disease due to overpopulation then to have their population controlled by hunting? How is it somehow more acceptable to have game wardens and park rangers culling the animal populations? Do you honestly think that is why they became game wardens and park rangers?


    Who are the freaks of nature? The people who recognize the cycle and rhythm of nature, or arm chaired, overly analytical, pony tailed Hillary wannabes who don't like hunting because it is icky? Perhaps it is the guy who thinks it all boils down to penis envy. Wanna talk about issues?


    One last thing. To any of you guys who think that was a "easy" shot I defy you to attempt the same. You are really marginalizing something that is very, very difficult. I know you won't believe that. But just because you don't understand that doesn't make it any less true.

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