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Pop N Wood

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Posts posted by Pop N Wood

  1. Thanks for the info.Your car looks great! I hope someday my engine bay will look like that!

    My car has undergone a complete restoration. See my website:




    I installed a 3.9 R200 this year' date=' custom 4 wheel discs, and on and on. Also, this baby has no rust.


    Any other pointers and gotchas would be appreciated...[/quote']


    I never said the JTR manual is useless. Just that you can't use the same mounting position. I am confident you will find the book very useful even if parts of it aren't directly applicable.


    If you have done all of that to your car, then my comments about money probably don't matter. You might be happier with the LS. Unless you plan on forced induction in which case some people feel there is a higher performance ceiling with an iron block.


    But my point about smog is still valid. Just because CT doesn't have regular inspections doesn't mean you can "strip all that smog stuff off your engine". You are undoubtably still required to have it. But the kicker is with no inspection you will probably not have to worry about getting caught. Your decision.

  2. So if you apply X lbs force to your curved bar' date=' it will deflect Y amount. If X is larger, Y is larger. A straight bar will deflect less than a curved bar under axial loading.[/quote']


    Against my better judgment I will throw my hat into the ring.


    So if I go down to Home Depot, get a straight piece of 3/8 inch electrical conduit and duct tape it between the strut towers, it will more thoroughly eliminate chassis flex then Jersey's girlie bar?


    I don't think you guys are listening to each other. Jersey has already said he agrees a straight bar is less prone to flexing than a curved bar, all else being equal (thank you JohnC).


    So the question is when is enough enough?


    Surely you have to agree that the curved bar is better than no bar at all? Kind of hard for me to see how you can categorically state that his girlie bar won't do the job without making some assessment of Jersey's suspension, driving style and potentially budget.

  3. Don't be too quick to rule out the LT1. Very popular swap, can be done at a fraction of the price of the LS1 and you have the advantange of the JTR manual as an installation guide. (LS1 requires different mounts, but information on that is getting better).


    One big question to answer is smog requirements. Most states extempt old cars from testing, but not from having all the smog equipment. Pre 96 engines are not OBDII thus don't require things like cats and ABS wheel sensors to be compliant. One member found out the hard way that after completing his LS1 swap he couldn't get the vehicle legally licensed. Others haven't had that problem (or left out the word "legally") so just make sure you do your homework before you start.


    Having said all that, the LS1 has quite a few advantages over the older technology LT engines. A better stock power rating for one.


    So keep reading old posts and monitor ebay to get an idea of prices before you commit.


    BTW, thanks for the pics of the LS1 mounts. Now saved in my personal archives!

  4. You could also list anything made by Jaguar, since, after all, they are a subsidary of an American car company.


    I seem to remember a few Carol Shelby knock offs doing quite well on the other side of the pond.


    But I have always loved AstonMartins...

  5. I agree with the guys above. A bit of carbon build up on an already high compression engine causes an even higher compression ratio. This makes the engine run just like a diesel, the gas self ignites. Shutting the engine off while in gear puts a little extra load on the thing and makes it stop quicker.


    My Z use to do that unless I bought premium gas and used octane boosters. Finaly realized the carbs throttle shafts leaked air. Putting on a set of webers allowed it to run fine with regular.


    So do like the guys said above. Get out on the freeway and open it up to "blow out the carbon". But also check for vacuum leaks.

  6. I think it is one of the better cages I have seen posted on this site.


    Would like to know if it passes the Katman test :D:D


    Guess you won't be mounting the battery in the traditional spot.


    Sounds like a hell of a project. Keep us updated on your progress!!

  7. Who cares about peak horsepower numbers? Area under the curve is what matters, combined with proper gearing for your power curve, and some way to get it to the ground.


    Says it all. The only HP number that matters is the one your engine is actually spinning at. If your power band is too narrow and your gearing can't keep you in it, then you won't accelerate.


    Also Cheby put some pretty potent small blocks in those late 60 Chevelles. The power cureves were good and fat too. Made them a good match to the limited number of gears in the trannys of the day. It could really make a difference which 350 option the car had.

  8. Are you sure you didn't get a tank of Gasahol? The alcohol is a pretty good solvent that breaks free built up crud and clogs filters.


    Either way, flush the tank (PITA) and stock up on fresh filters. If you want to get even, try draining the tank onto the ground and flushing it out at the pump of Gas America.

  9. Did you know there are no Muslim children songs. (my sister married a muslim guy and my wife is a music teacher so we looked) Nothing at all. We found a book online that had stolen song themes and rythems but all the words were f'd up. Nothing like singing songs to your children about killing infidels. Anyway thought that was messed up. Wish we hadn't tossed it out.




    P.s. If a Muslim man dies killing his enemy and he goes to his heaven and has 20 virgins...what do muslim women get when they blow themselves up?? Do they become one of the virgins? I don't think they thought this up well.



    Boy. You can have all of the grandiose words and flowery prose. It is the simple statements that speak the loudest to me!!!


    I actually had a related conversation about the virgins of the Koran just yesterday. I had not thought about the female martyrs...

  10. Another trick I learned is to get some extra tranny bolts, cut the heads off and turn them into alignment studs (use a hacksaw to cut a screwdriver slot). Thread one on either side and use them as transmission hangers while you wiggle and align the transmission. Holds the weight of the transmission and ensures it is properly centered. Once you get the other bolts in, use a screw driver to remove the alignment studs.


    I grew up too poor to afford a floor jack, let alone a jack just for transmissions.

  11. So Uday had 1000 Ferraris and the only dates he could get had to be dragged into rape rooms? If violation of UN sanctions is enough reason to invade a country, then Israel has the most and they are only 100 miles away from our troops. The gassing of Kurds is also brought up as a reason, but THIS WAS 13 YEARS AGO. Africa is now, but we lost troops there. We lost a thousand in Iraq but we're going to stay the course, see it through, four more years, blah, blah.


    Open your mind and actually research the issue. Uday pulled young girls off of school yards. His own teachers were afraid of him. He did what ever he wanted. One of the few times he saw any repercussions was the time he beat his father's food taster to death, and Daddy had him jailed and tortured.


    My point about Africa isn't just that we lost troops there, it is that there is only so much we can do. The dead troops are just proof positive that we tried. Are you honestly saying we should invade half a dozen African nations? What is it you expect from the US?


    And I will tell you again. Please, don't believe me in any of this. Look it all up for yourself.

  12. Let's just say I don't believe the propaganda. Rape rooms. "Shall I shave the fiery eyed maiden and bring her to rape room 1?" "no, Uday is using that. Bring her to rape room 2." And dragging out old iron maidens and saying that was used on Olymopic athletes. That would explain their lack of medals. But we only get one side as we are not even allowing defense lawyers to speak to Saddam as it might jeopardize national security. And now the Brits have confirmed abuses at our Cuba base as well as Abu Graib. If we are truly doing this for th egood of the people, why haven't we done anything about the genocide of over half a million in Africa and the starvation of 200,000 refugees? Oh yeah, they don't have any oil.




    The rape rooms are not propaganda. They are an established fact. Do a little web research if you don't believe the common sources. Saddam would arrest the families of his adversaries and have their daughters repeatedly raped in front of them as a form of torture. And he video taped most of it, so you can't say it didn't happen. Then somewhere in this process he would immerse the adversary is a vat of acid, removing all of his skin, before letting him go. But please, don't believe me. Make an effort to verify these facts.


    The history channel did a series on Saddam and his sons. All I can say is it lends new meaning to the phrase "absolute power corrupts absolutely". Those guys did what ever they wanted. They had no one to answer to. On the plus side, Uday had a warehouse with over a 1000 exotic cars. Most of them Ferrari's. Saddam got so mad at Uday that he had it burned to the ground. And all of this while the country was under “UN sanctionsâ€. Oh, and they talked about Uday heading up the Iraqi Olympic committee. Vince Lombardi should have had such motivational tools available to him.


    But all this controversy about WMD just shows what sheeple most Americans are. If the only knowledge you have about the reasons for that war came out of the pre-war sound bites, then you are truly an ill informed individual who is overly susceptible to media manipulation.


    If you read the newspapers in the 12 years between the two wars, you would realize we were bombing that country on almost a daily basis. This was done at the direction of the almighty UN to enforce the no fly zones. What was being done to the people of Iraq in that time was absolutely criminal. Totally indefensible. Saddam didn't care. He rebuilt the palaces, his sons bought Ferraris. The French and Russians did not care, because they were getting rich off the black market trading with Iraq. Remember the UN's oil for food program? Suppose to allow Iraq to sell oil for humanitarian needs? Ever hear about how much money was left in that account because Saddam had no desire to use it to mitigate his people's suffering.


    To me that war was either "chit or get off the pot" time. There can be absolutely no question what an evil person Saddam was so don’t even try going there. Whether it was our place to remove him is just another instance of the age old question “Am I my brother’s keeper?â€. To say we went into Iraq for monetary gain is ludicrous give the current state of affairs. To say we went in there for oil is true to a degree in that oil is money and money is power. It can make a mad man a world menace.


    And don’t even bring up the Africa issue. We left too many dead Americans in Somalia to say the US doesn't try to help the less fortunate. How much oil was in Bosnia? How many dead Marines did we lose in Lebanon, back when we thought our mere presence was all that was needed to make a difference. Look at the current events in Sudan. We are doing what we can but you have to be smart enough and learn from past mistakes TO KEEP FROM REPEATING THEM. There are some situations that not even the US military can fix.


    And another thing. The US gets blasted at the world AIDS conference. Never mind the fact that US contributes more to international AIDS relief THEN ALL THE REST OF THE WORLD COMBINED!


    If you are going to be critical of US policies and try to assign motives, then at least make some effort to intelligently research the issue first.

  13. Smokey Yunick did just what you said. Said he was racing at some track where the normal engine rotation torqued the car to the wrong side (can't remember if it was the inboard or outboard side). Said he ground the cam backward, flipped the rear diff upside down (if I remember right) and used engine torque to help balance the car. Said he never got caught.


    Same book said they once changed the rules limiting gas tank size. He got so pissed, that he ran enough fuel line to hold an extra 5 gallons. Racing secrets of the pros!


    And yes, multi engine boats as well as airplanes use counter rotating screws/props to prevent the "paddle wheel" effect from constantly trying to turn the craft.


    Most ships have variable pitch screws that allow the ship to go backwards simply by reversing the pitch.


    Didn't someone on here once say that diesels can run just as well backwards as forwards?

  14. Isn't doing that to United States currency against Federal Law?


    Read the whole site. He talks about that. Apparently the law only prohibits "fraudulently" defacing money. As in trying to pass it off as something else. He says even the feds have to admit it isn't illegal. Even talks about the penny smashing machines being legal.


    Also it only gets smaller in diameter, but it gets thicker. Hence the density is the same because the volume is the same.

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