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Posts posted by spdsk8r

  1. For dimensions, follow the JTR manual (HybridZ Bible) for the spacer thickness, remember to add thickness of setback plates to thickness of spacers. I fabricated spacers and used mounts specified by JTR. For trans mount I used ZX crossmember, mounted to trans with Chevy mount and fabricated brackets to lower crossmember appropriate amount to give proper geometry/ driveshaft angle. I hope this helps.

  2. For my speedo cable I used the Datsun cable housing and went to the local auto parts store and got a universal speedo cable core. I replaced the Datsun core with the universal core. This makes the cable compatible with the Chevy trans. Oh, on the Datsun cable housing, the trans end thread is very close to the Chevy thread. Its tight but does mate.

  3. I'm not sure if your shifter is the same as mine, but my shifter's switch had six wires off it. The top two are large gauge, I used those for my neutral safety.They have continuity in Park and Neutral. The middle two wires have continuity when in reverse, guess what I used those for, and the bottom two wires also have continuity in Park and Neutral, I did not use these. I hope this helps.

  4. The four prong connector on the drivers side is for the lock up converter. I used the Bowtie Overdrive lockup kit, along with their TV Made Easy TV cable, and their 2200 stall converter. They work great. :D

  5. I used the dipstick and tube from the van that my motor came from. I just removed the top portion from the tube and shortened the dipstick a corresponding amount. For marking the full line on the dipstick I followed Bowtie Overdrives suggestion and installed the dipstick with the trans pan off and marked the stick at the mounting surface for the pan. For the shifter, I used a shifter from a Camaro. I had to change the lever (where the shifter cable/linkage attaches) on the trans to the Camaro lever.

  6. Many of the dirt sprint cars are running a reverse rotation engine. Because these cars are so small and have so much torque the counter rotating engine negates the tendency of the engine torque to try to flip the car on the tight turns. I can see the advantage if you were racing on a short oval track.

  7. Last night returning home from our cottage, I had some road rage directed towards me. I was driving down the x-way doing about 70-75, moving with the flow when I came up on a beater Taurus wagon with not a straight panel on the car. His speed is varying between 50 and 65 in the left lane (speed limit is 70). I followed him for a few miles (I hate passing on the right). Finally he moves over to the right lane. As I pass him a scraggly guy with a scruffy beard, long hair in a pony tail, and half his teeth missing (according to my daughter) is hanging out the window calling me an a**hole. What the...? Our response to this kind of demonstration is to have everybody in the car smile and wave. His response was more yelling a******. Some people. :roll:

  8. I'm using a 7qt. Moroso pan in my ZX. I also am running slightly lowered suspension. The pan sits slightly lower than a stock pan. With caution, it should work all right (no speed bumps). You should be able to see it in the pic of the trans mount on my page below.

  9. I fired up the 350 for the first time, last night. I put the new battery in, and turned the key. The motor spun two revolutions and imediately fired up. It runs and sounds great even with no exhaust. I didn't run it very long, maybe 30 or 40 seconds. All that's left to do is wire the Taurus fan, install air cleaner, and exhaust. :D:D:D Check web page below for pics.

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