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    Southern Oregon

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  1. I wish I could help you. I tried driving it one day and it barely ran. It was only getting fuel to a few cylinders. I would touch the injector connector and it would run better or worse depending on which one. So it had bad connections. There was also a bunch of stuff on the manifold that squirrels hid in there. Anyway, I sprayed all the squirrel treasure out and it has been running perfectly ever since. All cylinders firing and not dying. I would recomend investing in some squirrels.
  2. That's a pretty neat upgrade. I think I'll do that tomorrow. Even if it's not the problem, it's easy and it's better. Thanks!
  3. So today my Z died going down the road around 60mph. No sputtering, just cut out. I pulled over and checked under the hood for any wires that might have fallen off or come loose but everything looked good. Tried to start it and it fired right up. Then it just kept happening more and more frequently. It always starts back up if I let the engine stop and I crank it with the starter, but it will not start if I'm coasting and pop the clutch. I tried jiggling the key thinking maybe it's a loose wire in there, but it didn't help. I saw a similar problem on here and someone said to watch the RPMs to see if it is a spark problem. The problem is, my tach decided it wants to live at 2000 all the time. So any ideas on how to check spark while driving? Timing light strung through the window is all I can think of. Also, any ideas why my tach is stuck? Thanks, Jake
  4. It will hold the charge for a while but not for more than a day. It ran perfectly fine for a few seconds before just dying. I hadn't even taken off the jumper cables yet.
  5. I've been gone for a while so when I came home naturally I wanted to drive my z. Only when I get in my car I fine that the key was left on and the battery is trash. (I leave my keys in the ignition in case someone needs to move it) So I pull out the jumper cables and it fires right up...for about four seconds. Now it won't start. It still has spark and fuel pressure so I think it's an injection problem. All the fuses and fusible links are still good. Has anybody ever had this problem? What should I be looking for? I hope I didn't fry something major. Oh yeah it's a stock 77 280Z. Thanks
  6. So after looking at some schematics, I've learned that there are in fact two relays right under the dash on the drivers side. One is for the fuel pump which is only energized when the key is in the start position or when the afm is open. So I figure the afm flap could be closing when I hit the brakes causing te relay to click on and off, which will turn off the fuel pump. But it's not really a problem since I'm braking. Yep.
  7. Did you ever install the power locks? I'm trying to find a place to fit the actuators. It's pretty tight.
  8. Did you find anything out on this? I'm trying to install an autoloc kit right now and it's not looking very promising.
  9. Lol no. It's on the driver's side. That might get awkward.
  10. Travis! Hey I came and looked at your car a while back when you had it on CL. I'm that guy from Oregon. Crazy seeing your car on here. I finally found a stock '77 in Washington in really good condition and bought it. Rebuilding the L83 from my vette right now so I can put it in the z.
  11. I guess I didn't make it clear that it only does it while stopping. Not just pressing the brake pedal. As if the forward momentum has something to do with it. That's why I said I can't look at it when it's happening. Sorry, I tend to leave out details because I'm not reading this from someone else's point of view. I guess I fill in the blanks without realizing it.
  12. Yeah I feel stupid. It's a 77 280z. All of my lights and turn signals work fine, other than one marker light. The speed at wich it clicks is realy random, it can be realy fast or slow, like spread out between clicks. What other relays are there? Does anybody know where I can find electrical schematics online?
  13. I searched a little bit and couldn't find anything about this. When I'm braking, there is a clicking noise coming from under the drivers side dash. Not all the time though. It doesn't do it at low speeds, just when I'm braking kind of hard. More like medium. Anyway, the clicking sounds like a relay or something. Any ideas what could be under there? I can't exactly look for the noise while I'm driving. Edit: Just realized this isn't the right category for this question. Not sure how to delet my post.
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