Sorry this is nothing to do with my zed, but i need help non the less
My 1993 4 cyl Mitsubishi triton died the other day for no apparent reason.
I found that it has no spark, however it has 11.8 volts at the coil with the ignition on.
I checked for contenuity across the coil polls and it seamed OK.
When i checked for contenuity across the ignition module inside the distributor there was none, is this normal or is it no good.
I am trying to pin point the problem so i dont buy parts i dont need. My knowledge on electronics is limited.
I need my truck back on the road asap because my band has a gig next week and i need it to carry my equipment. (the 2 seater 260 just wont cut it here ) Its also my daily driver so the zed wont get trashed