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Ratty280z last won the day on May 1 2014

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About Ratty280z

  • Birthday 01/30/1993

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  1. Im running KMC SawBlades. 15x10 -44 all around. I really didnt think these were going to fit up front with my ride height but luckly they dont scrub anywhere. In the process of stripping off this black and going with a different color combo. This flat paint is peeling all over.
  2. I decided that i would check here first because i really dont want to pay 400$ for a new one... Anybody have one for sale?? i have a 432 wing its just not big enough for my tastes. i would pay for the imsa or trade the 432 wing for one maybe adding a little cash.
  3. Heres a few more recent pictures i took about a week ago. Few things have changed since i took these but nothing major.
  4. how she sits for now. soon to have 15x10s all around. anyone think i can pull off a 15x10 -44 up front??
  5. Merry Christmas to you too. And ive searched holset and a few other keywords but couldnt find what I was looking for. But none the less I will look harder!
  6. First of all sorry if im in the wrong area this is my first post. I usually just lurk to solve simple problems on my car. But anyways.. Ive just picked up an l28et that i plan to put in my 280 in a week or two but the turbo is shot. I had planned to just get another stock rebuilt turbo but ive grown interested in a holset. (hx35w, hy35) While im not new to engines i AM new to turbos as this is going to be my first turbo car. I was wondering if anything extra had to be done to add the holset in place of the stock turbo. If so ill have to stick with a stock one for now as i only have about 1000 to buy the turbo, tranny, and a few gauges to keep a check on everything.
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