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  1. Socorob, regarding wiring, is it best to go directly to battery with a switch or relay? Or is it okay to do through the ignition column? I heard the old wiring won't be strong enough.
  2. Holy crap, very very smart idea fitting it inside that box. I wish you could show some photos of how you cut and reinforced the steering box. Also, what adapters for input/output and all that did you use? I'm about to start mine really soon.
  3. Perfect. I thought so after I googled for saturn vue power steering issues. Shows that when power steering went out, it just was hard to drive. http://www.saturnfans.com/forums/showthread.php?t=191117
  4. So you're saying the saturn VUE is the worst design for this? as in it will lock up when overheated?
  5. Have you guys gone autocrossing with this? I was told that you might not want to go this route in case it fails on something like autox. dangerous. I've been debating about this for a while. Gary Savage advised me to not go cheap and get the real deal.
  6. Curious if the tunnel thing would be a problem for my ls1 280z. I know I had to bang out the tunnel for the reverse of the t56. -___- racking my brains out right now because i want these seats.
  7. Please let me know if you have one lying around. Or if you have one from the junk yard.
  8. Hey 280zcar, do you have a part number for the short feed and return lines you used for your tank?
  9. hey zguy, that might be what I will end up with. Your set up, except I want to use a dynomax xmuffler to help with drone. What you think? And instead of bullets, going to use the welded rounds.
  10. Ah fudge... muffler guy can't bend 3.5. I might go dual to the dynomax x muffler to two dynomax 3 inch welded rounds.
  11. Need help on how to wire the fbody tank to my 280z body. Including gauge wiring. I bought speedhut gauge for fuel. Basically need to know how you guys wired your fuel tank to the ignition and ground. Photos of any kind are extremely welcome and alpreciated.
  12. So i think i've decided on a single 3.5 to the vibrant 3.5in/out resonator http://www.amazon.com/Vibrant-17970-Stainless-Steel-Resonator/dp/B0038HRNZM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1421381462&sr=8-1&keywords=17970+vibrant to dynomax 3.5 muffler http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00029J38Y/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER and whatever folded tip i can get from the muffler shop. I'm hoping 3.5 will fit well under the s30 though.... Hopefully that'll sound right. I like the sound of the dynomax.
  13. I have been listening to exhaust clips online. I'm liking magnaflo and dynomax. Mainly dynomax. Throaty, not raspy. I really hate the raspy sound. I'm not sure whether to do 3 inch collectors to a 3 inch y pipe to single out, or 3 inch collectors to 3.5 inch y pipe single through a resonator and a dynomax bullet. 3.5 from y collector out.
  14. Socorob, if i remember right, you have a single 3inch?
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