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Everything posted by needazbad

  1. That was bloody awseome.... but can he do rust repair on an S30.....I don't think so!! LOL
  2. Well...not bad for about $100,000 resto build. Now how do I go about getting my shop to look and produce like that? OH...that's right...win the friken lotto!!!! Some absolutely incredible work done there.
  3. I have what you are looking for. It's NOS and in perfect shape still in Nissan wrap. This is not cheap though so if you have cheap in mind then this isn't for you. This is more for a concourse restoration then someone looking for a decent front bumper. There must be bumper repair and re chrome shops around you that can refurbish one that is in good shape and cheap.
  4. After much lurking on this forum and drooling like a baby and wanting a Z so bad, it has happened. Instead of posting a bunch of stuff on here I'll give you a link to go to. Has some history which you all should know about the Z cars and my own story as well. Hope you enjoy the visit. http://sites.google.com/site/altrdz/Home
  5. He's using the ebay thing as a lost leader to get people to talk about the cars when you call him. He will not...I repeat will not let anything go for less then 1000 bucks and as for parting out and crushing. Like I said he uses this tactic as a way to get you to call him and spend more on long distance then anything else.
  6. Would you consider letting that model out of it's cage so that I may use it to do some mods and see what my ideas look like before cutting the real thing into pieces? Thanks John
  7. very funny description. I think my wife came with a description something like that. The price is way out of wack, really, I mean look at the rust, cracked dash, engine is bagged for sure, sitting way to long. I'll give him 5oo for it no more. Come to think of it, my wife cost me that much on our first date. Hmmm
  8. Now this is some very useful info. Have been working on ideas for tube frame and cage design and this info just made our day. Thank you, thank you, thank you....
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