The subject is pretty self-explanatory, but I will elaborate a little.
I am converting my early model 74 to EFI. Jerry at All Z East will do the work (I have some knowledge, but this would be over my head). I plan on replacing my injectors, o-rings and connectors, of course. I also think a new cold start injector might be a good idea. Beyond this however, I don't really know what I should do. I DO have enough money to replace every single sensor, but should I? Can someone give me an "order of priority" of which sensors I should replace, or are they all equally important? Obviously, I need to edumacate myself on the subject, but I have to start somewhere:-)
Oh, something else to consider: I will eventually get an aftermarket management system, probably SDS, therefore it probably wouldn't make much sense to spend money on something that isn't compatible with the SDS software. Thanks for the help.