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4.6 CobraZ

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About 4.6 CobraZ

  • Birthday 05/01/1960

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  1. Can you tell me what front body panel bumper you used on this? It's exactly what I'm looking for. Bill
  2. Looked at all 30 of your pictures. Do you have any of your steering rod, and do you think some shorty block hugging headers will clear the frame rails? I think my biggest concerns with my swap are exhaust and steering.
  3. Wow, thanks, exactly why I joined this forum. Having been there done that anything you would approach different if starting fresh?
  4. I'm pretty sure the intake on the 96 to 98 Cobra motors are too high for a stock Z hood. Or a Ford style scoop is an option I guess. EDIT: Concern addressed, mitchnandy (pic 3) has done this.
  5. This is the route I want to go I hope the 2001 Cobra intake fits under the stock Z hood. EDIT: concern addressed, notheredave (pic2) has a similar intake in his Z (93 Mark 8?), looks like an 01 Cobra intake will work.
  6. I liked my 97 Cobra, and had similar HP as you (way too much power really) but I have to say after buying the Z it feels like a go cart, smallest car I've ever messed with. Hard to believe a DOHC Modular drops in. Really beautiful body lines too, pretty excited about this project.
  7. I've read your thread top to bottom, pretty much why I joined this forum. I noticed a ton of SBC stuff but it took a little searching to find the 4.6 DOHC. I was gonna look for a 2001 or 97 to 98 Cobra motor but I actually think the Lincoln Mark 8 with its lighter weight nodular crank will save a few pounds and rev quicker. Also cheaper. Are you finding 300 HP to be sick enough or do you wish you had more? I'm wanting a spirited daily driver, not a super car.
  8. Low budget and practical, T-45...
  9. The all alloy Terminator motor in my 97 Cobra was about 650 HP and even with 305's out back traction was non existent. For this Z project I'm looking at a much more sedate 4.6 (Lincoln Mark VIii motor with flat top Pistons and a 01 Cobra intake). Should come in around 300 HP. My 97 Cobra was stupid over the top (dropped $14K on the motor alone). I want something I can drive daily during the spring and summer.
  10. My first Z parts score, super clean tail lights &100.00 off Denver Craigslist.
  11. Pics off this forum (on the Internet). 4.6 DOHC will fit. And a possible mount option is a modified Ford crossmember.
  12. I'm going with a normally aspirated 4.6, like a 2001 Cobra motor. I don't want a modified hood. There are 3 other guys on this forum who did the 4.6 so I know they will fit. The lincoln Mark 8 motors are readily available so that's an option (super low profile intake on those motors). I'm hoping a 2001 Cobra intake will fit under the stock Z hood. I'll post the motor mount pics I got off this forum.
  13. Joined Hybridz, and just got my Z car today. I built a nasty all alloy supercharged 4.6 for my 97 Cobra a few years ago and had crazy HP, basically fell in love with DOHC Modular motors. For the 280Z I will be doing a NA Cobra motor (2001 Cobra), 300 HP in the Z will be fine I figure. Looks like it's been done here (notheredave, yellowoctupus, and mitchnandy) so I will need to tap into their experience.
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