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Everything posted by 240zero

  1. I haven't done business with this company, but they might be able to help with the custom axleshafts. http://www.driveshaftshop.com/index.php
  2. [insert corny joke here] Haha just kidding guys...sorta lol.
  3. You could probably make one fairly easily/inexpensively.
  4. Yeah, I tried that, tried emptying my pm inbox/outbox as well as subscriptions folder. But nothing seemed to work.
  5. I've been having these errors for the past month or two. I created a new account (this one) to see if that changed anything, and HybridZ runs fine on this account. But on my old account (jknc90) im lucky if the pages load up at all. I usually have to refresh the pages a couple times before the error goes away and the actual page comes up. Any help?
  6. Samsung Korea is actually funding the construction of Burj Dubai.A friend of mine recently did a research paper about it. And yes, I too frequently stay on hybridz until around 1 or 2.
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