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Everything posted by drift_inertia

  1. Grim, It is alot of CF lol As far as bouncing the car back, it never did it at speed, but we did hit numerous prking blocks nd curbs at anywhere between 1 to 8 mph and the car would literaly bet pushed back, the only damage that ever happened to the cf becuse of it was slight chipping and scratching of the clearcoat. CF truly is great strong material and there used to be a few videos of guys jumping off the roof of their house and landing smack dab in the middle of the hood and not cracking or shattering it. ( I wouldn't recommend it since any resin based product only has so much give before it starts cracking and fracturing)
  2. B-Road makes pretty high quality parts. I have used a few items from them on an fc3s RX-7 I owned. Carbon fiber is nice and strong and light. It holds up to rock chips very well just as good if not better then fiberglass. it also will not sag like poly items do. the only drawbacks to CF that I have found is A. when it is mounted securely it is brittle and a good hit will shatter it and it isnt repairable unless you want it painted. but when my brother had his c west cf s15 conversion on his s13 he would hit prking blocks and it would rebound his car off the block. and B. Depending on the clear coat quality it will eventually discolor and peel meaning you will have to wetsnd the hood and shoot it with a high quality clear.] hope that helps, Matt ps here is pic of my bros's s13 the fenders are the B-Road strawberry face s15 fenders very high quality
  3. Thanks Tony and Derek, Derek as far as mking your quarters, do you have any pics of your work or info on how to go about it? I need to make the inside quarter as well where the gas filler tube runs through and am trying to figure out the best way to go about it. I am planning on running a fuel cell though so I may just shave the filler door and replace the panel with a flat section of 16 gauge.
  4. Alright fellas, So I have searched as hard as possible for floorpans for my 74 260 2+2 and have not had any luck. All I really need is the section behind the drivers seat after the back front seat mount to the rear seat area. I'd like to find an original section even though I already cut out the original and welded in new panel. Anyone know where I can find repro's ??? Also how about the right lower quarter panel section? Any help is appreciated although I have a feeling that I am s.o.l unless I find a clean donor. Thanks, Matt
  5. ahh yeah thats it, i thought it was from aussie land because i seen a video he made posted on a site called fugudrift www.fugudrift.com its a drifting site in japan. My mistake. Like I said previously I hope you pull it off, I love the ingenuity I find on this site and the members here are always trying new things nd just chopping stuff up and modifying things. This site boost's my interest in my own z project tenfold everytime I visit. I'm subscribing to follow your progress. Matt
  6. Was the car you saw it on painted white?? I may have been mistaken on thinking it was an s30. Either way I am still looking for it for you. I myself think it would be a great looking conversion and hope you pull it off.
  7. if you search around the net there is guy in australia that already did the 05 stang lights on a 280z, i'll see if i can find you the video
  8. also isnt the dizzy/c.a.s in the wrong spot? i thought it was in a different location compared to the rwd ka's?
  9. sounds gorgeous and looks like it pulls like a beast. awesome car!
  10. Not wanting to thread jack just sying Hi, I'm a fellow 209 hybridZ'er I'm in modesto name is matt
  11. Nice find!!! A++++ good luck on the build it's a great car to start with
  12. Very awesome and very nice looking work! How much did the project cost you and also where did you get the RX-8 headlights? salvage yard, ebay??? Matt
  13. One thing I know for sure is that those wouldn't work the way you are thinking they might. The reason being is that a foglight projector lens and a headlight projecter lens are different as far as curvature and shape. That is the reason the " cheap" projector conversion housings glare so bad and do not let out a proper light beam and pattern. Because they use foglight projector lenses. When I had my FC3S RX-7 I used a set of 94 + acura integra projecter lights and pulled of the outer casing. they worked great. Hope that helps a little, Matt
  14. It looks well made to me, the welds are clean looking and with a 1.8l capacity it should be plenty of safe guarding. My buddy used a 1 liter surge tank on his T2 FC3S RX-7 and it worked great.
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