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Everything posted by Crash

  1. The mountain pics look right since those cars were originally designed for carving the canyons.
  2. I'm not sure when I'm going to start my project now. My finances just got all screwed up and my priorities just changed, but I'm still going to do this (hopefully in the next couple of months... One day I'll get a break. LOL) Meanwhile, I look forward to seeing how these manifolds workout. I'm still going to get that McLoud bellhousing and set the motor back towards the firewall instead of set forward, and I'm also thinking that moroso pan is the best bet either way since it's sump keeps the oil away from the crank. All in all, I'll likely be doing exactly what you're doing except with the motor a few inches further back. I have my swap car now... It's actually my current car. It's blowing up coils suddenly. I know I can fix it quite easily, but at the same time, I don't want to invest money into a motor I'm not going to keep in the car anyway! LOL
  3. Craigslist FTW! Keep it local, and remember where you pick things up from!
  4. Actually, Just found a couple ebay auctions: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Corvette-C6-stock-exhaust-manifold-L-R-w-Shield-set-1_W0QQitemZ280330468644QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories?hash=item280330468644&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245&_trkparms=65:1|39:1|240:1318#ht_500wt_833 http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Corvette-C6-stock-exhaust-manifold-L-R-w-Shield-set-2_W0QQitemZ280330468745QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories?hash=item280330468745&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245&_trkparms=65%3A1%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318
  5. If I see a set, I'll let you know.
  6. The LS2 vette style may be a good bet. Looks like they'd flow OK and they drop right off. The question would be what that collector is hanging over. If they're high enough, you should be able to clear everything and run the piping higher until you clear the rack.
  7. Found this bellhousing, finally. I'm wondering how much clearance it actually gives you. Certainly around 2 inches, but is that enough? How many inches are needed to be shaved off of the trans tunnel as is with the standard T56 bellhousing? http://www.byunspeed.com/product_info.php?products_id=5002 http://www.exoticperformanceplus.com/performance_parts/index.html?item=1117
  8. The LSx exhaust manifolds are very good, actually. Most people don't see any real differences between them and shorty headers. That's why most go with long-tubes. They'll fit just fine on the 5.3L block I believe. Pretty much the same exact motor except slightly heavier and less displacement. Aside from that, I know that the LS6 heads and intake are direct bolt ons, so the exhaust should be as well. My friends use 50 cent pieces to plug up the intake's EGR hole. Cheap part and easy to find. LOL! But it also looks kind of cool. But what you got there should work fine too.
  9. I see you're looking at the Autokraft oil pan, but have you seen this: Moroso Oil Pan: http://www.moroso.com/catalog/categorydisplay.asp?catcode=17002 (bottom of the page) It looks like it may clear it JUST BARELY. (Maybe a little banging required) The top is just under 2", and the sump is 9 11/16".
  10. That's pretty light. I wish I could get my hands on a RST-v8... 2.4L 500HP weighs 90Kg fully dressed.
  11. OK. So I'm putting together a list of items I need to buy so I know exactly what and what not to spend on right away. I'm trying to decide on if I need a better radiator (Maybe a Z1 z32 TT radiator with electric fans?) or if my stock N/A radiator with an electric fan (or dual electric fans) will work for the LS1. I'd rather use a radiator that was meant for the Z32 since it fits as is. I've never had cooling issues with my LS1 (even when I was racing in the hot desert with the engine AND A/C running 100% of the time... LOL). A friend of mine that has a 260z with an LS1 says that the radiator he has is way too much for the LS1 so he plans to swap it out with a smaller one... After looking at the LT1 fitment I've seen on this board, it looks like there's plenty of room once the motor is in, so it will have plenty of free running air around it to boot. Also, I was looking at fuel pumps. I'm going to be running 32# injectors, so I don't think that the stock fuel pump will be able to keep up. Anyone know what the stock N/A fuel pump is capable of? I need the bigger injectors because I'm going with the cheatr heads/cam, 85mm MAF, FAST Intake, and 92mm throttle body, and long tube headers. I plan to make 420-450HP to the wheels (if not more). I don't think that the stock N/A fuel pump will handle more than 400BHP. (Anyone have any experience with this?)
  12. That's exactly what I wanted to know. I was assuming the LS1 was about 30Lbs lighter than the VG. Interesting that the center of gravity is lower, but after thinking about it, I realized you're right. The block itself sits lower with most of the heavy components down low (push-rod motor) as compared to the top-heavy quad cam VG. That's going to make a big difference.
  13. I wish I knew I was going to do this swap a little while ago. I just sold my money-maker LS6 intake. Any idea how much the VG30DE weighs compared to the LS1?
  14. Any update so far? How is this going? I'm pretty eager to find out what's been done because I'm now positive I'm going to do an LSx swap.
  15. Yeah, I'd been snooping for a while, but now that I'm getting serious about my project, I joined so I can get/share info. When did you start building your Datsun again? Was it around the same time you joined?
  16. HAHA... Deez, I didn't realize you were on these forums.
  17. I was thinking 572 also. There's an HO version that is 750+HP. Nelson Racing uses it in a few of there N/A cars. But you can definitely do a 600+ci too.
  18. Isn't the Holden pan the same as the GTO pan?
  19. Sweet... Start a thread on it and post up some pics. I work a lot too and will only have time to work maybe 5-6 hours a week to start. That should be good enough for me to gut the interior and pull the motor/trans on the donor car. Looks like we're going to have a few 570zx's!
  20. Have You started working on your project? I agree. I love the way my Z handles as is.. It just needs better sway bars and I'll be set! I don't want to change the handling characteristics of the car at all. That's why I'm doing a motor swap into a Z32 and not any other car.
  21. I have some info to add to this: The 2001 and 2002 Trans Am and Camaros with LS1s also had LS6 intakes. GM did not let the public know about this because that'd detract people from buying Corvettes. That was generally a good gain of 5-8WHP. Also, after doing MANY dyno runs on MANY LS1 Corvettes and F-bodies, it's been proven that the rated HP on the LS1 F-bodies were identical to the Corvettes, meaning that they were also 350BHP, not 325. On average, the LS1 Corvettes and F-Bodies both put down 315HP through the automatics and 320HP through the manuals. In addition, the LS1's in the 01-02 F-bodies had a completely different smog system, and there was a power gain from this. You can see the differences at the top of the intakes just behind the throttle bodies. The 01-02s have no EGR hoses coming out of the top. Although not affecting the HP on the car, half of the 2002 LS1 F-bodies were made with an LS6 block as well. The only real difference between the two blocks being a special oil breathing window in the LS6 block. This was common.
  22. Braap, thanks for clearing that up. Now I understand what we're up against. I don't want to mess with the suspension at all in my setup. But I am pretty sure that now I do want to do the LSx instead of the VH. Since I haven't yet pulled a motor out of a z32 yet, I have no clue what I'm going to be working with here. Obviously, I'll need to modify the firewall, so I assume this means that I'll mostly be opening up the trans tunnel for the most part, correct? I'm going to start reading up on the LSx conversions on this board and see what they've done about the firewall. But if you guys can come up with something brilliant ahead of time that works well, that may also be my ticket!
  23. Yeah, I just found that thread and I'm following it. I'm holding off on my project until I get a better idea of what's involved in doing the LSx swap. I can get my hands on an LS2 or LS3 pretty easily (I think) so that'd be pretty cool. Although, I'd likely go with an LS6 because I don't want to deal with fly-by-wire and the LS6 is still pretty sweet.
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