here in the lovely hudson valley of new york, everything exploded after 9/11. there was a huge boom of people looking to high-tail it out of nyc (can't say i blame them... ) the big problem is that they brought their city money up here with them- great for the local economy but not if you lived here in the first place! in the 3 years my wife and i have been together real estate has literally doubled.... if only i owned a home then!
we should have bought a home right away like we wanted to. (we moved fast... gabby happened! ) as it is now, i'm joining tony d in the fine yet cramped art of trailer life, but unfortunately mine is in a mobile home community (say trailer park and i'll kick your... ) advantage being that i bought it from my mother for about twice what i paid for my 240. so now the plan is that once this is paid off (really soon 8) ) we'll start looking into land and just move the bad boy, leaving hopefully enough room to build on the site. i'd much rather just buy a home outright without this whole multi-step process but around here even 40k a year, which i thought wasn't bad for a 27-year old with no degree, doesn't really allow for much. it sucks, but at least i didn't go to years of school to be pissed off at what i make!
i'm pretty much content for now with my house. it's in really good shape and for being in a community ( ) i actually have a yard. i just wish it was my OWN yard and that i had a garage for my z...
oh, and i want an english mastiff and i can't have dogs here. but i'll stop bitching now!