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Everything posted by 283VZ

  1. 283VZ

    Paper Z

  2. 283VZ

    Paper Z

    Cool ! too bad my POS printer won't spit out a quality copy.. I'm off to buy ink. Goki did you create this or find it ? either way, Thanks. It would be neat to get one with more realistic dimensions.
  3. Another thought is they don't call it JUMPING for nothing.. I always see people just riding off the lip.. not putting forth any effort. You gotta jump off ! Don't let the Mountain/Lip dictate what is going to happen, MAKE it happen.
  4. I've been boarding since the early days, I think I started around 89-90.. Stick to the intermediate slopes, No beginner(too slow to have any stability) No Expert( too much speed & usually moguled out) FORGET THE LESSONS... spend that $ on a another day riding back to back days, you will gain tons of knowledge just by being able to put to use what you learned yesterday.. ACCEPT the SPEED thats the other key, most beginners can't compute the accelleration factor of a snowboard. Also don't worry about what length the board is just make sure your choosen stance is comfortable & stable feeling. general things about length hold true.( Longer = faster & stable , Shorter = less stability but easier tricks ) but are unimportant at your level as long as it's medium in length 150's -160's your all good Enjoy it while your young and your joints can take it.. I went boarding a few weeks back after we got that good dump..My hip & knee was killing the next day My prime days at Bear & Summit back in the day where well worth it ! Have fun.
  5. How could I forget the biggest killer of my time. http://www.youtube.com/
  6. My list of sites that I'm a member of http://forums.hybridz.org/index.php http://www.firstgenerationmontecarlo.com/ http://my.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?MyEbayForGuests&ssPageName=H%3AH%3AMYEBAY%3AUS&MyeBay=&guest=1 http://reefcentral.com/forums/index.php?s= http://www.ttora.com/forum/ http://www.dezertrangers.com/vb/ http://www.race-dezert.com/ http://x-h2o.com/ http://www.thumpertalk.com/forum/index.php http://www.atvriders.com/index.html http://www.3wheelerworldforums.com/index.php? That's just the one's I've joined..I stay busy.
  7. That's the worst ! Rick Rolling, I've ever experienced. I was panicking trying to turn it off.
  8. That felt like a dogs eye view, made me want to hang my tongue out and smell the air. I still enjoyed the video,that's just the way I invisioned it. You need some sort of camera mount, so we can hear that thing opened up. Or ..maybe I should get my Z back on the road, so I can open it up for myself.
  9. Cute related video.. kinda PG-13.
  10. More wagon Vette's. http://www.sheldonaubut.com/vettewagon/main.htm
  11. Yeah its not teardrop shape which is thee shape.. but I figured if some lift could be eliminated and some weight shifts to the back over the axle.. plus the lowered hood and its new angle would effect things too.I also see the new found square edges on the hatch seal sides and the small area by the headlights would act as stabilizing wings..I'm just dreaming. I'm by no means an aerodynamics engineer.
  12. I noticed that too. My lowering the hood idea would do the same and the additional angle on the hood would probably produce more downforce. Here's another shot of the hatch seal idea.
  13. I would seal the drivers cabin behind the seats, infront of the struts,so the air drawn thru the radiator would be able to exhaust out the rear.
  14. I was messing with my Jada Z model and thinking of this thread.. here are some of my crazy ideas: If my memory serves me Hatchback's create lift,so I say open it Then seal the sides,remove the glass and install the radiator into the open space with the fans hanging under sort of make it SOMETHING like a BMW M coupe . We move batteries to the back,why not the radiator. Now comes the reasoning.With the radiator out of the way, the support could be modified in order to tilt and lower the front of the hood creating a sort of 911 "frog eye" look while acomplishing this aero work by Dragonfly. I know these are extreme ideas and would totally change the look.. like I said crazy ideas.
  15. http://www.kayesport.com/ http://cdn.libsyn.com/rallyraidio/Richard1.mp3
  16. Thanks just bought one. 4 left
  17. I want it ! Where did you buy it ? With Subs ? Got link ?
  18. One more thing I should've noticed is, "historique" probably not the kind of cars to go stuffing into snow berms.
  19. I will say,I'm not in the driver seat and there are a lot of spectators on the OUTSIDE of the turn=Dumb.
  20. Thanks for sharing. Those guys need to step it up a little,learn to pendulum turn.The only guy that drove through that corner decent was the last Porsche.
  21. I think he kept going. http://www.pahillclimb.org/Courses/Giants.htm
  22. Cool. Glad to see others,Evan Purple240zt and yourself picked up with Don-Jer where I left off ..since I was only curious about $$$, finding out if I could pursue my new interior ideas or just dream on. Keep us posted.
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