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yetterben last won the day on June 13 2010

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About yetterben

  • Birthday 01/14/1978

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    Strum WI

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  1. And i am back.......from outer space....... Nice talking with yah Dave do her right. Mike was supposed to sell the car back to me as per a written contract i have here in my hand but meh whatevs. Glad it went to you. Shout out to TOnyD Big Phil keep it real. Mike was the type of guy who had more money than time and for sure brains. Car left my house running good. Not optimal but it ran good on 8psi. Somehow ins hipping the non english speaking guy fucked it up. Mike ended up suing the moving company and won. How much eh got i dunno. Its a shame the suffered this fate as i spent my life on this car. Those who remember the long late night phone calls will testify. Oh for the record this is how the wiring left my house Love that Dave stole all my photos from my Photobucket...lol i dont care There is a few videos of how it ran at 8psi and 50% throttle the day before it left.
  2. I was going through old bookmarks and saw the thread you started for my stolen car in rx7club. Very entertaining. Sorry you had to fight off a bunch of haters though. Who photoshops on a GTR badge? :P

  3. 13b is easy grab the front cover from a Gsl-Se 1st gen 7. Or i could do a turbo blowthrough on the 12a you have seen the vids man its been done before Oh snap look at this big piece of CHIT blower attached to it. Stupid ass furnace. 12a's are out my man. My Friends in Oz are milling 13b housings down to 12a specs. I bought the last set of 12a housings from mazda usa about 2 years ago for the tune of 500 a pop. Finding r5 nitrated 4 port irons for the 13b is the *****. I dont want the 6 port bullshit from the 2nd gen and up. Thats not the right 12a for that car either its been changed. It should be the twin dizzy model with really bad nsu seal design same as the 10a in the 110 luce and cosmo sport. Thats also a hitcahi pos carb not the good niki. Oh yeah Tony i am enjoying my 75hp Banshee just fine pulls the front up in 4 gears I forgot how good i was at porting two strokes kinda just like a rotary oh wait its the same principle.
  4. No interest in a 4 door :)prefer a rx-3 as well a rx3-sp at that. Opel Gt tony really i remember my 69 lol lead additive ha. o-60 in 12seconds ha. Flip over frog lights precious. Besides that thing is a money PIT!!!!! Motor is cooked 98% on that. Old 4 port irons are a ***** to find as well.
  5. 18 psi feels good small flutter or hesitation up top plugs maybe....time will tell. Anyone willing to trade a complete set of triples and a header for my efi and turbo setup let me know.
  6. I stand buy my statement they can be had on yaj for 200 bucks. THE CARTECH BOX IS JUNK. But what do i know i was not running blow through or anything....... People that all have the cartech box have cars that dont move. Because if they did they would be to ashamed to talk about how piss poor the car drives. But i know of one local for 75 bucks i can get you.
  7. wtf? Would be helpful to know what hardware you are needing.
  8. there is one local to me for 75 pm me.
  9. Looks good dave real good. Tony one day you should spruce up one of the containers throw some cedar on the side and make it all well natural looking. Give it a grass roof ala midwest mi/wi
  10. Zx alt is in, new battery got rid of the issue we discussed. I think you mis understood when i posted going back to carbs. I meant going back to carbs in N/A trim. I still would if i could get some decent coin for my turbo efi shiz.
  11. Having a slight issue over here. No fuel it seems after priming pulse. It will fire run for a split second spike lean and notta. What are some things to be looking for here. This can happen over and over and over again. Fuel pressure is good. Injectors seem t be clicking while its dying. Spark is there while its dieing. Ms says 2.5 for pw as its dieing. O2 says no way sir lean as can be 18+. Any help would be good. Checked all grounds all connections. Everything is good. Here is the log of cranking rename rar to xls. All this is after my head gasket change. Timing is set to 10. cranking.rar
  12. Looking for a zx crank dampner that has not slipped.
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