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Posts posted by violacleff

  1. Well you probably found in your search that an l28et is an extemely daunting task that for the most part is pretty much undocumented. In fact I may be one of 2 or 3 that has swapped one into an s30 in all North America, maybe the world. This is mainly due to the extreme knowledge of fabrication required.


    I swapped in an l28et in a few hours, but I am considered somewhat a scientist in this community.


    You may want to try something simpler and cheaper for a first swap like a 13b rotatary, 2JZ, VG30dett, or if you're really on a budget, you might settle for an RB26, but be sure to swap in the full awd drivetrain to keep things simple.


    Hope this helps :-)

  2. Haven't posted on the boards much since I wrecked my Z, but I'm always here dreaming.


    Anyway, for anyone who likes rock music, my band will be playing a set at "The Gig" next Thurs at 11:30pm in Hollywood. You can hear some of our songs at http://myspace.com/losingfaye.


    We'll be playing new original tunes. Kinda Incubus meets Foo Fighters. Come out and support and maybe I'll make it in the biz and afford a new project :-)

  3. I daily drove two z's and the only thing that really got me was the exhaust smell. Once I tried to become the fasted z on the block is when I ran into reliability problems. I think if I had been a little more wise I would have put the money into an AC system and would've been happy.


    I think a nice v8 z with AC or a 200hp L with AC and a stereo would make a fine daily driver. I don't mind the stiff suspension. In fact I miss it.

  4. I think I'd be happy with 16-20. From what I've read, the fury's usually pack a 318 or 383. I really don't want/need a lot of muscle, just a good cruise. I'd really love to have a camaro, but those command a pretty high price. I haven't seen any good mopar forums on par with this one. I'll keep looking.


    Nice camaro btw. Do you drive it daily?

  5. Hey guys, I've been wanting another Z since I crashed mine, but have come to realize that I'm not going to find one as badass as mine was for under 15k.


    My new interest is in old convertibles, specifically the plymouth fury.



    These seem to go for a pretty good price. What's the best mileage I could pull from one of these babies? Are they pretty reliable?


    I suppose I should find a fury forum but, Hell I just miss posting here!

  6. I know how you feel. When I wrecked my Z, I had to make a decision to try and rebuild or part it out. Now that I'm pass the emotion, wrecking my Z was one of the best things that happened to me. I was able to pay off all my credit cards for the first time in 5 years, buy another reliable car, move to L.A, and get a move on my career.


    Although I cherish all the times building the car and the meets, I now realize that my hobby had taken over my life. Not to mention the fumes were killing me. I'll get another Z someday. Hopefully within the next 3-4 years, but not until I can really afford it debt free. I'm sure you will too.

  7. Theres a person name grace who keeps emailing me about trying to buy my doors and paying 2k for the shipping company to send it to Holland or something. I figured the scam was to get me to cash it and give them the money right away. I was going to try and deposit and wait ti'll it clears before doing anything. Guess I'll just tell them to piss off so I don't get into any trouble.

  8. Mario 83 ZXT, 10hr. a week is NOTHING. I always worked 20-30 hr. a week while going to school full time (15-17 units) and continued working those same hours my last semester of school which included a 26 unit workload. Looking back though, I wish I could have survived on only 10hr. a week. I would have made better grades. Still graduated with a 3.5 GPA so I'm not trippin :-)

  9. Well I'm not dead set on saturns, but someone had suggested them in a post a few months ago before I bought the corolla. A few here had suggested some american brands over Japanese because of the markup on Japanese cars. 2002 accord for 3k. Almost seems like that car would go for much more. I'll be looking at CL more intently.


    As far a civic go, I kinda wanted a little bit larger of a car, due to the fact that I've been in so many accidents in the past 2 years, I'm not really comfortable in a hatch anymore.

  10. I posted a thread a while ago about finding a decent car for 2k. Someone suggested older Saturns as they quickly lose their value. I have a budget of 3k to spend on a car now and was wondering if there is any particular model that I should look for or avoid. And at what mileage do they start to crap out?

  11. So as clicked through the pages of ebaymotors, looking at Z's and coming across a few clean ones, I started thinking to myself "you know I've never really owned a Z that let me down." I mean seriously my first car was a Z (Zena). I bought that car for $1500 with over 190k miles on it and the only thing that ever went out on it was the clutch fan. I mean I didn't even take care of the thing servicewise.


    Then when Zena started falling apart after 2 years, I bought Zarah. I drove that car 30 min. to work everyday, 100 mile trips to San Bernadino, LA, and not as much as a hiccup. It wasn't until I decided that I had to be the fastest daily driven Z car this side of Texas that I started having problems.


    My bad luck with cars have followed me even to newer cars that I've been hit in, so now I'm thinking "why not get another nice Z"? I sold off all my turbo stuff, paid off my car loan and all my credit cards. Even the cards that had no Z related charges to them.


    I'm starting to think that maybe I could be happy with a nicely setup NA Z even though its slow (compared to zarah). I would dump another 1500 into getting it AC'ed, and just enjoy it like I did my Z's of old.


    I had previously decided that this was not a good time in my life for car hobbies, but now looking back I think I was more to blame and less the Z. Am I being stupid? Should I just get another Corolla and wait t'ill I'm rich to get back into cars? Someone talk me into/out of this.

  12. Thats what I thought. The A-piller needs replacement though. I'm not sure how much work is involved in doing something like that. I'm trying to figure out if I should buy it back and buy a second car to drive while I get some doors and what not. The car looked nice from the outside but the lowered suspension was horrible and the interior was completely destroyed. Everything was spray painted blue by a ricer. What it did have going for it was 67k miles on it.


    I'm almost tempted to get another Z but I'm smarter than that now cant stand to drive one that wont smoke a vette. I'll probably just get another corolla.

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