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Posts posted by violacleff

  1. I saw the car in person, and its kick ***! That being said....There's only room enough for one red s30 with overly flashy wheels in this part of town. I'm think I'm going to have to speed up my rb25 swap and claim my throne at MSA....."Cause you know Dom, I can't afford to lose!" lol


    Great job guys now clear your garage so you can do mine!


    Oh yeah that interior is sick. My plan to rival will be a full array of neon lights inside the car and underneath to distract from my torn seats and carpet.

  2. Ok so I'm going to be running the the TS04 that I've been using on my L on my RB25. Now i'm not sure of the spool differences in an RB and an L31T. I was running 8.5:1 compression on the L with a nicely ported head, and was very happy with the boost response.


    I guess I'm not sure if the flow will change with a .58 T4 or if it would be quite similar since the T3 housing was ported for a P-trim. The RB25 has 9.0:1 compression and crossflow head. Any suggestions?


    BTW I'm going to be running an SS autochrome manifold. I believe in can be had in T4 or T3 flange so that won't be a big deal.

  3. I have that listed in the original post. I found a motor and tranny for $1800 and will be picking it up in about two weeks. I'm hoping to have all my panels swapped in the next two weeks. Once that's done, I'm going to start putting the rb motor together.


    The motor I'm getting has about 36k miles on it. Is there any reason I should need to change the oil and water pump at this low of mileage?




    I was wondering who fabbed up your tranny mount and whether or not you had to cut the two sides where the bolt goes through? Or did you have the mount made to work with the tranny tunnels? (not sure what they're called). If welding must be done, then I'll take the car and motor to the shop to be dropped in. If I could get a tranny mount that would bolt in (like Q was working on) that would be ideal and would save about a grand.

  4. Well you say it's going to cost a lot more to get an l28et to 400hp, but I'm going to have to disagree with you there, unless of course you are doing all the fabrication yourself. I only mention this because you said the L was an option. If you pay for fab work or were to pay yourself for your time, you would see that it is quite easier to make 400hp on an L motor.


    Both Shane and 73turbo240 have made 11sec passes with stock block L's now! How much faster are you trying to go? I actually talked to the guys who did the datsunrestore VG30dett S30 and it took over a year to do the swap. Now if the VG had a reasonably priced single turbo manifold, then it wouldn't be that bad. Last I checked though, they were pretty pricey.

  5. Ok tell me if I'm being realistic here.


    I have a budget of 4k (give $500)

    Here's what I already have.

    T4 turbo,

    External WG



    IC piping

    Aeromotive FPR

    Walbro Fuel pump



    Here's what I need (and what I think I need)

    RB25 2k

    Manifold $200 (ss autochrome with brace so it doesn't crack)

    Ebay IC (mines crushed)

    Mounts $???

    Custom driveshaft $300????


    I also have 500cc injectors that I heard would work with a pallnet rb25 fuel rail. Can someone validate this? The are currently on the JSK rail which I would sell. I also figured I could sell the harness/ecu/injectors and all the sensors I don't need.


    I'd like to have a Greddy intake and ACT Clutch when I swap so I don't have to redo IC piping and take the tranny off again, but that would probably be over my budget.


    Anything I'm missing? Am I dreaming here or could I come close the budget?

  6. Isn't that a rotary? I'd be worried about messin with one of those. I didn't know cavaliers were reliable. I think I could probably find one of those cheap. Agreed accords still demand high dollar. If I could find something 1200-1500 that would leave more cash for the z.

  7. What part of "My Z IS insured and IS being rebuilt" can you not read? Where did u get your information from?


    Funny that in 5 pages of thread you failed to point out one "baseless" opinion of mine. You asked why the forum had died and put a poll up. The greater percentage of that poll was exactly what I said it would be.


    I'm glad I got a few good ideas from the other guys on this board before you turned my thread on the road to the recycling bin.

  8. Thanks for the replies. I don't really want a performance car that gets harassment like an acura. I want something that just gets good gas mileage and noone's going to pay any attention to. Hey Lewis is your car for sale?


    You have a lot of nerve making fun of a fellow enthusiast's car that nearly got destroyed, after I've put all my time and money into it. I would be sad for you if the same thing hapenned to your car no matter what engine it had. You really have a lot of class.


    BTW, I have an insurance policy, and I am getting enough to fix the car (and then some). Of course if you could read, you wouldn't have jumped to another errouneous conclusion.


    I want another car so I don't have to drive my z daily, and so that I don't have to rush the repairs.




    I was wrong when I voted on your pole. The 4 cylinder forum is not dead because noone's interested in it. Its dead because people like you are giving out the information. Leave the SR advice to Alex (SR240z), and maybe it will resurrect again.


    BTW, I do not hate 4 cylinder cars. I love 510's with sr20's. 240sx's and WRX's are cool too. I think Pete Paraska summed up at the bottom of the thread why it was shut down. Maybe you could have someone read it to you.

  9. Lewis,


    Learn to read first. Then perhaps you will respond with usefull info and your threads won't get shut down.


    BTW, I'd prefer a 4 cylinder in this car. And if I'm such a V8 fan then why were you making fun of my "V6" l28et in the 4 cylinder thread?

  10. Well now that my z is wrecked, it looks like the possibility of insurance fixing it is bleek. I'm thinking the best they will give me is 3-4k for my car. This would be enough for me to fix it on my own but its going to take me a long time to get it done. Unfortunately I don't have a second car to get to work. So I figured I'd get me a beater while I slowly source the parts for my Z. Luckily my neighbor says I can keep it in his backyard while I restore it again.


    So, question is can I get a decent car for 2k? Like something that will run for at least a year without too many major problems? What kind of car should I look for? I don't want another z or anything that old. I'd like something from the 90's preferably.

  11. Cyrus,


    I actually just saw the trailer for it today before seeing Vendetta (a freakin awesome movie btw!) and this one looks so bad you will not want to pay even a rental fee to see it. Perhaps if you have netflix maybe. It has no actors in it. The cars don't look cool. And its not even much to make fun of. I actually liked the first two with all their corniness and looked forward to this one. 3rd movies in series are hardly ever good. Did you see free willy 3? Karate Kid 3?

  12. Hey guys,


    I was wondering if there was a test I could do to see if my bov is opening or not. James Thagard posted on zcar.com that the turkey under my hood was surging. There aren't any soundclips on the web for me to hear what my bov should sound like. What do u think?




    I always thought a greddy R would flutter under low boost cause it shuts down harder than most bov which stay open longer.

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