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Posts posted by violacleff

  1. I really hate churh gimmicks like this. I am an avid churchman myself. I do know that a lot of women don't like their husbands looking at porn and that there are a lot of marital problems over it. I also know that a lot of men, mainly religious, are into porn and wish they weren't.


    Ok, so you're going to have a weekend of seminars about how to get rid of porn addiction. Fine. Why not just advertise it that way? The people who truly want to deal with it will be interested. This organization xxxchurch.com actually goes to the big porn convention in Vegas every year and sets up a booth with their name and the headline "The #1 Christian Porn Site". I've never been a fan of bait and switch religious gimmicks. There are enough seekers. Why waist time on those who are tricked.

  2. Well the bigger issue for me was the fact that AAA won't insure you, if you have "high performance mods". I think the way around that is to get an appraisal first that way the insurance company never sees your reciepts. I had this done back in 2002 when I first bought the car, but they were saying that it wasn't worth as much 4 years later. Thats when I had to try and explain all the money that was spent in the last year which was...well, high performance upgrades.

  3. Well now your're complicating things. You can make 350hp without a full T4 with an internally gated turbo, but it's your decision. Also you will have to take the risk of welding a larger flange to cast. Clifton hasn't had a problem so far, but just something to think of. I decided not to do it. I just machined out the T3 housing instead. I am running an external wg though.

  4. This may be lengthy but some of you may want to read this.


    I had the adjuster who was a woman come to my house to see if my car was worth fixing or if it was a total loss. Since she came when I was not home, I left her the reciepts for some of the recent work I had done to try and show her that this was not a typical 240z. The next day she called me because she did not understand my receipts. For instance, haltech, Turbo install, etc... Well stupid me for trying to explain the concept of a stand alone ems when later in the conversation I find out that she doesn't know the difference of a carburator and fuel injection. So I'm thinking to myself, how is she going to determine the worth of my car if she doesn't know what a carburator is? I was pretty pissed. Little would I know that her ignorance would be a blessing in disguise.


    So I'm talking to her again today, and when I tell her that I've spent big money on high performance parts, she tells me that now she's concerned when I say high performance because AAA will not insure you if they look under the hood and see "What do they call it? Nitrose? Nitro lines?" I said "nitrous". She says "yeah anything racy like that. So I'm thinking to myself "oh crap!" I then backpeddle and proceed to tell her that when I say high performance, what I'm really speaking of is modern technology and parts that make the car more safe to drive. So high performance suspension just means suspension that makes the car handle like a modern car, "and this is why I was explaining the difference of EFI vs Carberation for mainly better gas mileage, but they aren't race parts just better parts." Never mind I have reciepts from "Speed Machine" and "Road Race Engineering"!!!


    Well we are going to tow the car to the body shop to get an estimate of possible damage under the hood. I'm kinda nervous now, as she has not seen under the hood since it won't come off. I'm counting on the fact that if you can't spot a carburater you probably can't spot anything other than nitrous. I'm just hoping the anodized stuff doesn't scare her.


    Sorry if I spelled carburater wrong throughout the post. You guys know what i'm talking about.

  5. No reason why a 350hp goal should break the bank too much cameron. Are you planning on doing an engine rebuild? Does the motor run? My suggeston would be a stock rebuild, MS, T3/T4, arp head studs, ect... and take it straight to the dyno for tuning.


    The more research you do before making purchases the more you will save. I spent maybe 1500 bucks in stupid errors. Try and copy someone's plan and you will have a powerful car without having spent too much.

  6. Well the right click properties thing doesn't work from this site anymore, but click on the link and you can see the gruesome photos. Made a left turn into a blind spot, and smashed it. Hopefully AAA will see things my way and fix it. I don't think the engine's damaged, but I can't get the hood off to check yet. Since its outside, I don't want it exposed. Its covered for now.



  7. I don't have a V8Z but I'll chime in here. I drive my car daily, and basically I get the fumes everytime I roll down the windows. The other problem is not having any defrost when it's raining or cold in the morning.


    I've contemplated trying to seal things up, but if you read the threads, you will find that lots of people have tried everything, and still get fumes. I've never done any wheather sealing before, and I'm pretty sure that my attempt won't be the best job, and it gets expensive to do all the sealing even if you do it yourself.


    So now I'm thinking, "why not just get an AC unit and be done with it?" It will save gas, defrost the windows, give me cold air in the summer, and save my brain cells. The only time I need to roll the window down is when a cute girl pulls up next to me anyway. It's an expensive solution but its a sure thing and a huge payoff imo.

  8. Here's a couple of clips from my car at Vildini's shop, and an extra bonus video on the way back. Its no darius material but then again i'm not a big fan of fishtailing into oncoming traffic. I'm gonna make some better vids this week of full boost floorin it. But here's to wet your taste.







  9. Not sure if you would be up for this but...


    I've driven with my family to Washington D.C several times, using a company called Auto Drive Away. Basically, people like you, who do not want to drive two cars across state, leave it at a particular port in Cali. Then a guy like me who wants to visit VA, drives your car up there, and drops it off at a VA ADA port. The only downside, is you don't know who is driving your car, although there are rules and restrictions for what is allowed in an ADA vehicle.


    As far as couches and beds. When I graduated college, my roomates and I were all piss broke (not that i'm not anymore) and we had nothing but walls and carpet for months, but little by little we got decent furniture, almost all for free. You'd be surprised what people will give away. You can go that route and within a short time, you will be surprised how much money you start racking up by not living in CA, and will have recouped what you sold in no time.

  10. So some of you who have followed my posts know that I've been running a T58/TS04 with a Euro T4 1.15ar housing. What this means is that i've been driving a turbo car (when's it works, usually doesn't) without ever feeling any boost. And I mean never. This thing wouldn't even begin to spin until about 4k rpm. PATHETIC! So I finally bought a T3 .63ar ceramic coated housing, and had it machined to fit the P-trim wheel. Picked it up after having it installed at vildini along with a bunch of other work done and well...


    THIS CAR IS FRIGGIN WICKED NOW!!! I mash it in first gear and the thing spools up like an F16!!! You oughta see the faces of the poor bastards on my driver's side when the external wastegate opens to the atmosphere! Scares the hell out of them and me! LOL Not to mention the confused look at the sound of the Greddy Type R blowing off. I mean this car is a completely different animal. The tires are screaming uncle in second gear. Unfortunately I have to shift slow into 3'rd until I get a short shifter or it grinds. But the power in third....Oh Man!


    I took some video on the drive back from Vildini. I was driving like a wuss cause I was very nervous and wasn't used to the power. I'll get some better ones later. However luck would have it that I met a Ford GT40 on a clear toll road coming back and caught it on tape! I'll have justin post it asap. Actually we passed by 2 on the way back. What are the odds?!!


    Well enough rambling. I still have some electric gremlins haunting me, but I am so happy with the performance. Its been months since I've even driven the car after the tranny shop fiasco. Oh yeah btw, I'm running a pig rich conservative tune right now ti'll I can get to a dyno. I'm only at 50% of my potential if that. stay posted for some vids.

  11. Bart, spinners are definitely on the list, but not before I get some lambo doors installed. Looks like I'll save up and go OEM fiberglass/CF...Oh man more money to spend at Vildini! Actually Alex, I've been kinda jockin the wheels that were on the old L28 Z you guys used to have. I'm going to see if I can track down whoever stole it and see if he'll give 'em to me cheap! LOL


    No but really, I think I will go with those Rota wheels in 17" or the Hyermax primax ones that MSA have. BTW, you guys would honestly be amazed how many people compliment me on those rims. Hardcore Z and car guys don't like 'em but chicks and youngsters think they're cool. Maybe I'll just do a full Zbling them. Hmmm

  12. Hey guys I was wondering how you guys think my car would look with the JohnC 4" cowl hood on my car. The L88 one I have now looks like crap and I figure a blemished cf/fiberglass hood may actually be an improvement even if I don't repaint it. What say you? Please hold the comments about the wheels. I didn't put those on, and can't afford new ones.



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