So I picked up this 260z, with a 280zxt engine, not to long ago, when I test drove it worked just fine started right up no problem, dragged it home it still started and drove.
So i put it on jack stands and replaced the clutch slave cylinder and put it down. And then no running... All i get is the cranking, with the occasional sputter. Like it fires once but no more.
- I checked all the wires around the transmission where i was
- Cranks fine, checked voltage, it is ok
- Fuel pressure is 42lbs
- I pulled the plugs and to check for spark, nice hot spark, and they smell like fuel
- No vacuum leaks that I can find all the lines seem new.
- Checked compression, 120 over all 6
- Some posts have alluded to the CHTS, so i tried to start with the sensor plugged in or out, no difference
I am just out of ideas; I have spark, fuel, and compression. SO WHAT IS THERE! I dose anyone have any ideas on where I should go on this?