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Posts posted by Drftn280zxt

  1. wow that's big. I'm surprised that fits under the car. I've noticed somthing with exhuasts. If you have small pipe then a free flowing muffler, its very loud. If you have grande pipe and free flowing muffler and no power, it's quiet. If you have grande pipe, free flowing muffler and good power, it's got a perfect tone. Fluid dynamics are so cool.

  2. They are pretty leanient here in vegas. But because I have no cat, straight 3" pipe with a straight through design muffler, I pop in the clutch or don't even touch the gas when cops are nearby.

  3. does any on e know a place where i might be able to get an entire front end made of fiberglass(hood, fenders, bumper). also a kit to delete the rear bumper for that roll pan kinda look?

    If your talking custom, I dunno. But if you find one let me know :wink: . iF you want a premade (mass-produced one), MSA(motorsport auto) , that reaction place, Victoria British, and Arizona Z car have some nice products

  4. The shoulder bolsters and thigh bolsters don't look very supportive. As for fit I'm not sure. I do no that a Corbeau raing seat (non seat back adjustable) fits quite well in a 240Z. Not sure if that helps. I myself have been wondering a question like that but in a different car. 280ZX to be specific.

  5. okay tell me if I have this wrong. In a full 180* turn the racing line starts at the outside and as you go around the turn you aim for the inside of the turn right.


    #2 in an "S" ,(aka chicane) the racing line would be start wide then at the first apexof the turn (where the turn chages direction) you aim for the outside of the second turn (aka the indside of the first turn) and then finally as you finish the chicane you aim for the inside of the turn. Am I correct on both?


    If this is right, well most D1 pros aim or these lines but also compinsate for the slide because the car will take up more room on the track thus the line appears to be changed ut usually they are aiming for the racing line, if I got that part right.

  6. I hardly think the Japanese Drift style is ricey in any way ... I love that look - you know' date=' zip-ties holding on your front bumper (I did it with my Grand Am, actually), tattered bodykits touching more pavement than car, the wing you could shave the roofs of tunnels with ... I love it! I want something like this pic - [url']http://www.geocities.com/dorifto_motorsports/land_cruiser001.jpg[/url] . Notice how the front and rear under-diffusers jutt out at the bottom, and how the sideskirts are flat or slightly jutted out - this is what I would love to see on my Z! I'm a big fan of the Japanese VIP-car style, and would like to integrate that with the drift style and apply it to my Z. Now imagine my 2+2 with a kit like that, about 4 inches off the ground, with 14x10 wheels out back and 14x8 up front with the "stretch tire", about 5-degrees negative camber on all four wheels,

    add a big wing like Drftn280ZX's design, and the fender flares of the car in this pic - http://www.geocities.com/dorifto_motorsports/DSC00136.jpg -, and that's exactly what I want. As for your kit, Drftn, I was going to comment on the rake of the front airdam, but you said it would be swept back like on an EVO, and that's more what I was aiming for ... it would look positively b****in' ...


    I'm a little late on this one as I haven't been following this thread, but I'm confused by the above statement.


    I would be curious to find out what exactly would be considered "ricey" Dorifto. My definition of rice was always form over function on a japanese car, and nothing says "I prefer form" more than the stretched tire look (not good for handling) with 5* of neg camber (not good for handling) on a street car that is 4" off the ground (not good for handling and have fun patching your fiberglass).


    Isn't drifting the ultimate form over function motorsport? You aren't trying to get there the fastest, you're trying to make the most smoke and put on the best show, get closest to the wall, drive the worst line possible, etc. If there were ever a "ricey" form of motorsports, it would seem that drifting would be it. Maybe you could argue that a hydraulics competition where they're spinning the bed of the truck around might be more form over function, but for actual driving of a vehicle it's gotta be drifting.


    Please understand that I'm not saying that the drivers aren't skilled, or that there are no redeeming qualities to the cars, just that they are built to make a show rather than go as fast as they possibly can.


    Is my definition of ricey just completely wrong? :?


    Ok, so the wide wheels and low ride height aren't great for handling. That's exactly what they are aiming for. Minimal bodyroll, great amount of grip (I'll explain in a minute). The low ride height is good for aerodynamics, and looks. This sport is all about putting on a show indeed. But to put it on is no easy task. "choosing the most horrible line", sorry but that's incorrect in the drifting world. The perfect line on a track is actuallly used in drifting. The only difference is the entrance speed. (much greater than normal motorsports) and the technique. (In drifting they are trying to slide, where normally it would be just opposite). Also they are trying to go as fast as possible but while sliding and staying in "control". Also the form over function thing is all wrong. NOthing on a drift car is put on without a purpose. The bodykits induce dowforce as do the wings. The low ride height allows the air to be controlled over the top rather than worrying about the bottom. Also HP is very neccessary to the sport. MOre HP, faster spinning wheels more smoke, more points for being showy. In all accounts drifting is the anti-motorsport. You do everything that you wouldn't want to do except spin out, to please the judges. Rice is a very sterotypical word, it can have both positive and negative vibes. What most people see is big rims , big wings , and bodykits, and low ride stances. What most people fail to see though in real "rice rockets" is the power that can be made from a small engine. Drifters work with anywhere from 200-900+HP. Back to the big wheel thing. Skinny tires may seem right but with 300+ HP (most have this) some grip is neccessary. With HP the wheels can spin faster thus relieveing the car of grip, the wide tires make up for this loss in a small way. Just enough to keep control of the car. Plus hey whoever thought wide tires and rims looked bad, plus they create lots of crowd/judge pleasing smoke. Very purposely full. Also to add my 2 cents, I've ridden with a D1 pro, and I must say, it not at all hurky jerky like you may think,(bad handling), you actually feel more like your floating over the ground. Hope this bit of info helps.

  7. okay Dorifto. I'll warn you now though, you'll get multiple e-mails.(probably like two) I can only send like three pics per e-mail man. PM me your e-mail address). Under one condition bro, if anyone asks who drew them, please don't take credit for my work (although all of my work is signed, but that would be copywright stuff). Thanks again man, 1024kb just doesn't cut it for an artist like me.

  8. 345's :shock: You have to use some kind of flare for that tire. Thats almost a 14" tire. That was designed stock to wear 7.5" tires. 295's are even a stretch and they would give you great traction. How much HP's are you putting down. Don't waste a ton of money on huge tires if it isn't neccessary. As dar as the chassis goes well lets just say that not where my knowledge is strongest.

  9. nice car man. Not to be nosey but how much did you pay to have it painted. I had my Z quoted the other day for $3000, is this a generous deal, or a rip off? Either way I'm gonna see if I can have done cheaper somewhere else. I'm looking for a $1500 quote. Some bodywork is neccesary, particularily on the left rear quarter and front right fender. I dunno if the color I want can effect the overall cost though. I want B17 (350Z blue).

  10. Yes I do have a drift track nearby. Problem is a) i don't have a helmet b)I don't have the suspension to drift well c) parental approval isn't likely to happen. With time my Z will find its way on the track but for now i drift like you dorifto, parking lots and back streets. As for the pics on this thread I can repost them. For some reason the gallery here only allows 1024KB of pictures. Is there a way to go bigger than that? If not that means I can only have 7 photos in gallery at a time. The concept looks about the same as the one I used for my signature. Only diff is stock headlights blitz style front fascia, and no fender flares. As for my car I'll post pics if you want be too.

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