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Everything posted by zemus

  1. Im not talking about like front end as in body panles im talking front frame, it should be to bad, i have an s13 front frame in my buddys driveway thats mine, and a rear sub
  2. Yea im looking at doing it with a ZX or a S13, ill post pics asap
  3. AWESOME MAN!! Thanks, im working on getting everything together, I need to find somone who I can make sure it will be all aligned right
  4. Anyone, I really do need help knowing if this will even work.. please
  5. any other words like stock zx dimention charts
  6. I dont mind "to" race, but the s13 rear subframe would just put me in the same class as all the s13s, that wouldent put me out of it, id be fine. I think if i did the S130 front id cut from the wheel wells end forward and tube that, (which is legal in FD) and then make custom mountings for the headlights and stuff
  7. See thats what I was thihnking, but after looking into tube framing, it seems kinda advanced, and kinda tuff... anyone else have experiance with tube framing, if its easier than welding a new front clip on, il do it.. the only downside with a tube chassie is that I cant compeat ing events like Formula D, or D1 if i ever wanted to, because its to much of a race car in their eyes.
  8. This is my first real post about my Z besides the idle issue. Here is the situation, I was driving my Z, front wheels locked, railed a curb head on and bending the front frame, everything from the firewall back is ok, so basicly I need to weld on a new front clip, and I do have the sources to have this fixed.. now here is where it gets odd... I am consitering putting a 280zx front clip on my 280Z 77, maily because I already have a S13 rear subframe ready to put in the rear, and I can mod S13 front suspention on a ZX front suspention (after looking at diagrams ect ect). So I can technicaly have a Z with fully S13 suspention setup (ofcourse with less aggressive springrates compare to the 560fl/lb springs they ususaly run on aftermarket S13 coilovers. Also id be able to rock a powersteering rack, and possably mod a S13 rack into working alot better. Now the issue is will this even work... are the dimentions at ALL the same, of course I woudlent run ZX body pannles.. is this even possable. The main poss. points seems to be -I loved the way my S13 felt, and id love to work that into my Z -The Truly HATE manual steering, even with all poly bushings.. I hate it, so PS would be nice -All attemps to make the Z more modern and have aftermarket parts cheaper (aka S13) is very cool, I mean I can get a BRAND NEW set of GOOD S13 coilovers for 1100 fully adjustable hight/preload/damper ect ect. -If I need to put another front clip on their, why not make it better then before.. Thoughts, Difficultys..Flames....
  9. Yea, ended up doing the same thing to my Z yesterday, at a curb at about 45, dead on, bent my motor mounts, all my suspention arms, almost everything, luckly no real body damage and no frame. Now back on topic, I drifted a s13 hatch for 4 years, and im not bad at it, compeated in events and everything, get an rx7, blew that up, then got the Z, and its not an easy car to slide... I dont mean its hard to break loose, its just hard to have a controlled slide in that car, not an easy task. To bad the first car you totaled was a Z, and not an s13, Ive yet to total out a car drifting, but im sure ill do it one day... Whats the best bet for helping a Z drift a little better (I have 200lb springs on all 4 corners, everything bushing replaced, welded diff, Personal Steering wheels, aftermarket coupeler bushing, ect ect, its just HARD to drift compare to the S13)..
  10. We know for a fact that the alternator is working, we know the voltage regulator is good ( its brand new ) When reinstalling both of these things their were some weird thing that looks like a capacitor (never seen somthing like this before) I cant figure out where to bolt this, or wonder if it was ever even plugged in. When we try to run the car it hardly holds a charged, it runs but idles at 500rpms. Ive been told possabily its a ground issues, I know the battery is newer, and when the ignition key is off, when tested on the voltmeter it says its at 12volts, but when its running it was down to 10volts. It seems like the alternator wasent working, but it was testing and it is still good. Does anyone have anything that could help me. Im extreamly frusterated and I need to have my car ready.. Thanks you Matt
  11. See the ones that arent ends, those are spacers. http://www.ziptied.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2065&highlight=tie+rod+spacers Check it "This spacer goes where the tie rod threads into the rack. Any additional toe can be adjusted out by the endlinks.(where the tie rod threads into the endlink). "
  12. I was thinking eather Miata or Impreza or this mustang one sounds interesting, FCs dont have hte greatest turning radias
  13. Yea thats what I have on the S13, are you into drifting? You should check out Ziptied.com/forum I remember seening those spacers on their, ill try to find them for you
  14. How would the Mustang rack compare to the Impreza Rack, and the Miata and Rx7 rack, if you would even know.
  15. I will be drifting the Z, id ive had BAD experiences with drift a car with no power steering ( I kinda hit a watch tower at the last track even I was at try to drift a 240sx with the power steering removed!) And Its alot easyer to controll drifts when you have the steering working with you and not agenst you.
  16. 240,260,280z 's What power steering your running? What are your impressions of it? Difficulty in swap? -Matt
  17. He has an S13 doesnt he... My car has them, Teins (I have a s13). Basicly those tie rod spacers are universal if you have the same thread pitch on the rack. Here is the thing you need to check when putting in the spacers, will yours wheels hit the frame if its turned that much more. Will yours wheels even go perpendicular in the wheel well?
  18. Fronts are FC, circa '88. I made brackets from 1" x 2" billets to span the different bolt spacings - Mazda about 6", Datsun 3 1/2" - a lot like Juan's Wilwood brackets. I found them to be more plentiful in the junkyard than Toyota calipers. Mine were $7 and $23 for rebuild kit. Here's the inspiration: All credit to Graeme Suckling, he put them on a 510. Awesome, how do the brakes feel? SS Lines? What MC you running?
  19. So with the brakes im better off just starting out with better brakes, and then getting the 280zx parts car with the motor and the wiring, would the 280zx wiring work? I Mean I can wire up headlights, turnsignals, ect ect, but im wondering will it run on just the wiring to the motor and such. Seeing as the chassie has no wiring. What should I do..
  20. Alright here is the deal, I think ive found the Z ive been looking for. Its basicly a shell with alot of goodies. Only problem their is no drivetrain (besides the diff) and no Brakes or lines or any wiring of any sort. Now I figured if Im going to put the L28ET in their from the 280zx, would I be best off just getting a 280zx parts car that runs and take everything I need out of it (brakes? Lines? Motor and drivetrain) But the quiestion is will these work, ive been trying to search but ive hard an issue trying to find out if this would work or not. Are the lines atall the same, or are they all diffrent, does somone have a list of all the things you can put on a 74 240z from the ZX turbo, that would be an upgrade. Which parts are interchangable? Thanks Matt
  21. I agree, buy it.. and then make it awesome, or just steal the rear end.
  22. Just stick with the VG30ET, one thing you will notice in drifting is... well stuff brakes, and do you really want to wait 2 weeks for any major part on the RB, SR, or any other motor that dident come in the US. Also VGs are CHEAP. Cheap to fix, Cheap to replace, ect ect. Also you IMO will have better weight distrobustion with the VG, being a V6, which would be a bit better for drifting. Also just, if you going to make it for drifting, atleast look into a Coilover setup, im not sure about Z31s, but id run some stiff springrates. Also with the LSD start by shimming your Stock Z31 clutch type (which IIRC you have) and making the disks 75lb instead of the stock 45lb. This will help alot in the throttle controll of your drifts. Also a good thing to try if you are underpowered or are having troublems holding a drift for a long period of time, run skinner tires on the wide wheel (streaching the tire). This makes the sidewall flex basicly non existant, also getting rid of that Snap oversteer problem which happends quite often in drifting. This will make your drifts smoother and a bit easyer to controll, well once you get the hang out it. IMO you have choose a good chassie to start drifting on, keep us posted on your setup, and look into some good coilovers for your Z, but buddy just picked up a Z31, and he needs imput. I hope I helped Matt
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