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Posts posted by Chewievette

  1. Here's a quick definition, a motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. An engine converts chemical energy into mechanical energy.

    One thing, "Motor City" (aka Detriot, Michigan)


    The english language is a tricky and complex thing. I dont expect everyone to have mastered it, I sure as heck havn't! I get what you guys are saying and I try my best, you cant reasonably ask for more. There have been times when I take upwards of an hour to get my posts correct, especially if I am starting a thread. You guys are great! I love this website and I would think of no where else first if I have a problem with my Z. I'll keep typing, you keep correcting, some how this site works I'm not going to question it.

  2. Typing a post here should be no different than writing a paper to be handed in for school... :mrgreen:

    So you want me to do a rough draft, have three or four people proof read it and then type a final draft? I hope that little smily on the end is sarcastic! I'm not the greatest but I do my best to keep it legible in fact, I'm sure that if you tried you would find plenty of errors in what I am writing right now. but you understood it didn't you? If I'm having a problem with my car, I have far more important things on my mind than trying to please you people with my grammar. I'm sorry, but I agree with the original poster if you can read it then lighten up!

  3. Everything I dont keep is going on ebay


    btw, If I ditch the spare tire well, will the zx gas tank work? MY 240z's was removed.


    I looked up the diff specs in a couple places and they said that all '79s had R180s or maybe I read it wrong or something. Here is the best pic I have:


  4. I've been searching all night and havn't come up with anything more than bits and pieces of info. I have both a 1979 280zx and a 1972 240z. The zx will be parted out in the near future because the body is beyond help so I need to know which parts to keep for my 240z. I'm keeping the L28, 5speed, rear diff(R180) and rear brakes because they can be adapted but what else should I keep around? My 240z doesn't have any gauges, will the three center ones work or should I keep and eye out in the junkyards? I'm sure all the parts are listed out in other posts but its really hard to collect all the info in one place. I'll keep searching but I'd really appreciate any help, Thanks.

  5. I have always been told that fully welding a unibody is the easiest way to stiffen it, but I'm curious would that take out too much of the flexibility?(aka promote stress cracks) Should I spot or stitch weld it and call it done? Thanks.

  6. Sorry, moment of ignance... You know what I meant, probably.


    I thought the 2+2 hatch was shorter. It seems like it would be I've never seen one in person so I dont know but if memory serves the roof to tail height distance is the same but the length is shorter making a steeper hatch slope and therefore shorter in overall length. I dont really care about the hinges I can always fab different ones or modify something. If the hatch isn't shorter then it isnt going to work for me.

  7. I was wondering exactly what the differences are between the 2+2 and 2 seater hatches on the 240z. Before my other post got erased yesterday someone said the hinges are different, could the 2+2 hatch still be installed on the 2 seater? Is the length the only dimensional difference? How much shorter is it? I've got another one of those devious plans...

  8. I smell a z conversion in the workz...... Ezra Celest..... [/b']I'd pay to convert it...... Nahh never mind I LOVE MY 240Z :evil:

    It could work... Hard part would be making the Z wide enough to look right, you'd almost have to cut the car in half and widen it. The side view proportions are almost dead on so you dont have to tweak much there.

  9. What is the L6's Bore Spacing? I searched but I couldn't find the acctual numbers. I read something about the center spacing being a little bigger than the rest, I assume the other four are equal though?


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