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Posts posted by Chewievette

  1. On a side note, I found this cool vid of a triple SU car running...


    I am currently in the midst of designing an individual throttle body intake for my car. The basic design is done but I've been laying out the flanges in CAD all week. I am very interested in seeing you progress, I always like seeing unique parts in action. I hope to have some progress of my own to post soon.

  2. Ah yes, now I understand. I'm switching up to an electric fan and I'm custom building an intake so I'm pretty sure I can run a pipe through there. While my car is all apart I think I'm going to start mocking things up to get an idea of how this setup will fit. I'll take some pics if I get anything that looks decent.

  3. That certainly helps! I hadnt thought about keeping the front mount IC but I dont see why not. As long as you dont mind me stealing your basic idea, I'm going to start playing around with setups on my car, since its still not back together yet.

  4. I'm curious where you were planning to run the rear pipe for the intercooler? back up to the front or sneak it behind the engine?


    I think I like the natural metal look but then I would have to use screws or similar to hold it on so it would be easier when I repaint the car. hmm, so many decisions for one little detail.

  5. veritech, do you have a source for those "bolt on" louvers? I'm seriously thinking about doing that with my car. Hope you dont mind me stealing your idea. I need to get some fuel injection up and running then I can start worrying about the turbo stuff. but the louvers will help keep underhood temps down, so I'll go ahead and do that.


    JC Whitney has them in ABS, anyone have sheet metal ones? Or should I just talk to one of those guys that do it for $1 a piece and get them to make me a strip?

  6. Chewie, if I had that much time and money and effort in something with that much market potential, I'd probably want to keep most of the details proprietary.

    I dont really see this being very marketable, but if you want to keep secrets thats fine with me. If I ever decide to do it then I'll just have to do it the hard way.

  7. I have been trying to get this car running since I bought it, and it Finally fired on ether a couple of days ago but I had to hotwire the ignition to get it to do that. So here is what I've been working on, I am going to start my wiring of the car with the below system just to get it up and running, then I can start adding on the other systems, lights, gauges, etc... Take a look at the diagram and let me know if there is anything wrong with it. My only question at the moment is what the rating of the fusible links are, no one can tell me, I was hoping you guys would know more.


  8. I know there are a few people around here that sketch cars and body kits and paint jobs, etc... when they are bored. but I'm not very good at doing that kind of sketches. This is the kind of thing I draw when I get bored. Technical drawing has always been my strong side. Acctually I've been thinking more and more about switching majors to CAD or something more along the lines of how I like to draw. Anyways, Let me know what you think.


    This is a not so accurate Flat 12cyl with shaft drive DOHC. I drew it rotationally symmetrical so that the same cyl case and heads could be used for both sides. Also there is a main bearing between each crank throw for strength. Unfortunately the throws just ended up looking weaker. and yes the pistons are gigantic. I didnt get around to filling in the webbing of the crankcase, I might do that later.


  9. There used to be a cheat if you have nitrious, I'll let you know if its still there



    edit - yeah its still there. You dont need nitrous to have nitrous. When you get to the race keep tapping "N" which is the nitrous key and you will have it during the race. Also always select the highest car on the list to race to advance through the game.

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