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82 280zx turbo differential into 83 280zx n/a swap


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Hey, I recently bought a diff from a 82 turbo zx to replace my 83 n/a zx diff. Am I going to need other parts? I looked through dozens of pages on here and companion flanges seem to be ther only potential problem I'm going to run into wit this install. I would really appreciate if someone could please clarify this. I was hoping it would just be a simple install (drop old diff, put up new diff, done) but after reading up I'm second guessing everything.

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If the flanges are different between the diffs, which i don't think they are. All you do is use a big prybar and pop the flanges out and tap them into the other diff. Compare the flanges between the two and see if they are different.


Side question. Why are you putting a turbo diff with a 3.54 ratio, in place of an n/a diff that is most likely a 3.90 ratio?.

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Its all I could find so its going in lol, whats going to be so bad about the 3.5 ratio? And the diff didn't come wit axel flanges thats why I was worried. Thanks for the quick response guys, I appreciate it.

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The driveshaft flange is different, but you can just swap it from the non-turbo. The axle flanges I think are the same.


Exactly. The nut is tight as hell though. I replaced a turbo 3.54 (or maybe it was a '75) with a 3.9 and elected to simply swap driveshafts, instead of swapping input flanges. The turbo/'75 280Z input flange has a wider bolt pattern with 10mm bolts and the rest have 8mm bolts.

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