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Milling Machine for my garage?


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I am thinking about getting a milling machine for my garage. A bench unit would work for me. Although I would love a large floor standing one like I used to work with, I don't have the space. I don't want to spend much more than a grand either, so it would be used, or a new small unit for my bench.


I like this one so far, because it's large enough for what I want to do, and cheap enough. It can also be converted to CNC in the future. Any ideas or recommendations?








Edited by cygnusx1
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I had one I would have given you once I snagged the collet holder and light off of it. It came in a lot of stuff I purchased from a local shop. I wanted the 17X48 Milacron Lathe and Pallet Racks. The Trailer to move it and the Bridgeport J came in for the ride (Won on a sealed $800 bid...a down economy sucks eh?)


Actually I thought I was just bidding on the Pallet Racks and Lathe. I left the mill there and never went back. Had I known someone wanted one...


Then again, shipping it to NY...


If you can find a used Smithy, that is a niiiice little machine!


The Smithy Multi Machine

Edited by Tony D
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I bought one of these used from a friend and paid $500 for it. not a bad investment. I have used it to make an ITB flange and manifold so far. now all I need is a welder capable of welding aluminum and I will be set! oh, and lathe to. For cheap decent stuff, keep an eye on craigslist in your area, I see a lot of thing for sale on there pretty cheap from shops going out of business and whatnot.



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Smithy's will keep their value, they sell used almost for what they sell for used. HF Makes a knockoff of them as well.

The milling machine from HF is like anything else they have, you got to disassemble it, clean it, and readjust it all to make it tight and hold tolerance. If you can get it used from someone who already did that for you, you're set.


The Smithy's are on sale new for around 2100 for the combination machine. It's a lifetime investment. Really I should have probably bought one of those instead of a fullsize bridgeport and 17X48 Milacron Lathe. Setting up three phase at the house sucks! (Phase Converter!)

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KILLER DEAL! It will fit in the Minivan if you can take your back seat out. Though it's better between the axles.


I got my Atlas 6" lathe home by removing it from it's stand.

Same for the Bridgeport, I knocked down the head down to the base/table so I could lift it off with the gantry at the house!

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It's great having a mill and a lathe. I got my atlas lathe home by removing it from the stand as well. I ended up not using the stand anyway.


I picked up an older Duro benchtop mill which breaks down into enough small pieces to get in the back of my Mom's ford focus pretty easily. What it lacks in travel it makes up for in sturdiness. Sometimes it's hard to beat the old cast iron rigs.



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