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No injector pulse on start up.


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OK, So I now have everything connected and I am trying to start the car. MS2X, 12-1 cas disk, single coil, latest firmware. Everything tests out on the JimStim. In the car I get no injector pulse except at ignition on. I have spark, I have fuel. I have the little injector light plugged in on the EV-1 connector and I see it flash when I turn on the MS2.


Any ideas where to start? I looked over the basics in TunerStudio and verified/corrected everything that is specified for start up. Infact I had to correct the power input for the tach input to get spark.


The injectors are wired up to a relay per the drawing in the mega manual and the ms-x manual. They obviously have a connection to the MS2 since I have the initial flash so I'm guessing I have a configuration issue that I'm overlooking.

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That initial flash should be the pulse. I don't understand what you are asking. If you tested at the injector and got a flash, that means they are getting pulsed. The only other thing I can think of is that if all your priming pulsewidths are zero, the fuel pump will also not come on for two seconds. But that would mean no pulse on start up. Which you said you had...

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Verified 12+v to injectors and all three other power outputs in my relay box. I installed an ignition bypass switch in my relay box and remote start switch for getting ms to work without getting in and out of the car.

Edited by macambra
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So, I got pissed off and pulled the MS out of the car and hooked up the stim. What-d-ya-know, the stim inj1 & inj2 LEDs don't light up except at power up- they flash. On to the troubleshoot in megamanual.


I unscrewed the four upper screws to remove the upper case half, removed the lid and smelled some over heated-circuit- you know the smell. Performed visual inspection- found a nice piece of aluminum from the screw holes in the lid. So who knows what was shorted.


I started troubleshooting. Pin 21,22 of the MS2 daughterboard do not pulse they have a straight 4.9v constant power, At U4 Pins 2,4,have constant power. 5 & 7 no power(mV). I tested Q1 & Q5 both seem to read fine.


removed the daughterboard and tested 21,22 to ground and the LEDs on the Stim light up. Reflashed the processor and still nothing.


At this point I'm wondering if the Daughterboard is blown. Waiting for an email back from Matt to confirm.

Edited by macambra
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Bummer about your MS box.


At least know where the problem lies now. Hopefully, you can salvage your MS box and move forward with an install.


Good luck.


This is my final post on this topic for those who will need resolution for this same issue later.


I performed the "injector only" test. I burned the test to the processor. No pulse.


At Matt's recomendation I purchased another DB ($108). I received it today and installed it-no lights. I changed some of the perameters of the test and finally received the blessed lights. I burned the normal mode back to the processor and still no pulse.


So, I got frustrated and flashed a new copy of MS2X(Latest) and opened a new project. I got a pulse!!! I continued to set up the project for my specific engine. Performed a final test with the Stim and installed it. It started without any problems the first try. Hoo-rah!! I think I must have had some conflict in the settings somewhere, but I couldn't find it.


Now I just need to buy a longer USB cord so I can set my laptop in the passenger seat.


Thank you to all who contributed!!!

Edited by macambra
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