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I'm sorry. Please forgive me. You are right and I was out of line.


I've been so frustrated lately by the number of times I have had to redo things after paying people to do them for me. It is like I have to throw a bunch of money down a hole before I get frustrated and wind up doing things again that I should have had the confidence to do myself to start with. I shouldn't have vented on your thread. So sorry and good luck with your car.

Edited by RebekahsZ
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I've been so frustrated lately by the number of times I have had to redo things after paying people to do them for me. It is like I have to throw a bunch of money down a hole before I get frustrated and wind up doing things again that I should have had the confidence to do myself to start with.


I know exactly what you mean. I paid someone to do some wiring, looked over it and the wiring job was "hillbiilied". I was mad to say the least. Wiring isn't that hard, I was just in a tight spot and didn't want to deal with wiring issues. Needless to say, I went back in and soldered everything and shrink wrapped it.

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I work in an ER and I have taken care of the owner there in the ER. I got to know him a little on the personal side and I didn't like his shop being talked about. No worries. I enjoy working on my cars myself, and in reality I have never take my cars to a mechanic in about 5 years, just work on them at home, I just have this "thing" about suspension, I guess I'm a little paranoid about it. I always feel as though if I work on it I will end up with something falling off as I'm driving down the road. I don't know why. I feel the same way about dropping down money and not getting quality work. thanks guys.

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It's hard to find a shop you like and trust. Whether it in a car forum or not, I hear more horror stories than I do praise about shops. We used to take my ladies Volvo to a Volvo specialty shop and just had the most trust in them. One day the owner sold the shop to his mechanics and left. After that we had one bad experience after another. We soon had to look for a new shop.


I usually do all my own work, mostly cause I can afford the shop prices. The few times I have taken one of my vehicles, car / truck / motorcycle / bicycle / boat to a shop, I've always felt like I paid so much and got so little. Sometimes the work was satisfactory, other times not. Sometimes they correct what I think is their mistake and other times not.


Any shop that freely admits they made a mistake and takes care of it is a place that I would go back to again. Until they repeatedly make mistake after mistake, they're alright in my book.

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If you find a shop you have good communication with and trust keep supporting them. Good shops are hard to find these days. Even the good shops make mistakes sometimes. Having a car with the ride height so far off should have been caught. Sometimes situations beyond the owners control will make him look bad. If they took care of the problem to your satisfaction then that's all they could do.


So often in this world people jump to conclusions way too soon and without knowledge of the subject.


Here is one example... sorry to slam ya Josh but the truth is the truth...


Post #22

" I know exactly what you mean. I paid someone to do some wiring, looked over it and the wiring job was "hillbiilied". I was mad to say the least. Wiring isn't that hard, I was just in a tight spot and didn't want to deal with wiring issues. Needless to say, I went back in and soldered everything and shrink wrapped it."


While the wiring job you paid for may have been a mess and done incorrectly, soldering connections in an automobile is incorrect. A good crimp and weather protection is the best connection for an automobile.

Here is why: Cars flex and vibrate. Soldiered connections tend to fail in this environment. Most people tend to use too much heat making connections, this weakens the copper causing a point where it will fail. Tear apart any OEM wiring harness 99.9% will have sealed crimp connections.

Edited by VKLR
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