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Gauges Problem


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I have some problem with tach,temperature and oil pressure. The tach read like 300 rpm more n sometime it'd move back n forth. Temperature starting to move way later and it went over the middle , is it normal?

Oil pressure keep movement back n forth n sometime it'd stay over 90 ..sorry if I sound like a noob but Im deeply fall in love in 240z, I'm willing to do anything to learn to make it better.

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First,before you catch a reprimand, try to finish your thoughts just a little better in complete sentences. This forum is pretty big on grammar. If there is a language barrier then it would be helpful to let us know so someone doesn't get on to you unecessarily.


Second, all of these issues have been discussed in the various forums. Try to pick out the key phrases such as "tachometer" or "oil pressure", "temperature climbing" things like that. I can gaurantee they have been sorted out in some way or another. If you then find your situation is indeed very unique, then please do post. This forum has some extremeley knowledgable people who are very willing to help individuals who show they are willing to put time and effort into this hobby.


Welcome to hybridz, it is a vast wealth of automotive information for datsuns, and has information that can help you grow in many other techinical areas as well.

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