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E12-92 Retard or not.

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Its one of those topic that confuses people b/c many say not to use it without any supporting evidence..... 

Anyways. I'm going SU carbs on my 83 280zx, and I will be keeping the stock Ignition. but with the F-I stuff disconnected. 
The real question is,


While some say E12-92 will retard the timing if the side connectors are DISCONNECTED, and 
Some say that E12-92 retard the timing with the side connectors CONNECTED then later the ECU cuts signal to de-retard it after engine is warmed up.   

What is true and what is not?  I need to gather parts for my project and I don't want to go buy E12-80 for nothing. 

Edited by Skatekov
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  On 7/11/2013 at 3:27 AM, NewZed said:

You could just try both, with a timing light.


Don't forget the HEI module also, as a cheap alternative.  Just use the wires from the magnetic pickup and take the E12 off completely.

Don't have a timing light....    I guess If it's I could hear the difference...      If it retards it with the connection for engine warm up, then if I disconnect the side connector, it should run rougher when the engine is cold... right? 

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  On 7/12/2013 at 3:14 PM, BluDestiny said:

go borrow a timing light from an autozone, If you just try and "listen" to it either way it will basically just sound/run like crap if the timing is getting messed with. 

If I could answer my own question, then I would have never even posted here in the first place...


Anyways, I tried it by ear and sight, the engine ran smooth but had slower idle cold and hot when the side connector was disconnected...  the belt was obviousely slower even by eye.     So I guess It retards when the connector is not connected....        


to keep in mind my FI run like crap to begin with so even if i did have a timing light, it probably won't give the best result. 

Edited by Skatekov
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