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Has anyone seen a Mis-stamped firewall serial?

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I am mainly interested if anyone has seen a mis-stamped firewall serial number before on a Z.   Only reason I ask is my current 260z project serial starts off with a G, knowing that G indicates a 2+2 from what I have looked up and researched it is fairly odd as the car is not a 2+2.    I am not concerned of the car being stolen as, I have all the paper work from the previous owner, when he brought the the car to washington state in 1993 it was inspected there as the the door Plate and dash were missing the G and did not match the firewall.  The car does not have the door plate or the dash tags anymore  as Washington state issued new placards to match the firewall.  


I am not concerned of the mis-stamp, just was curious if it has been seen before.



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Only reason I ask is my current 260z project serial starts off with a G, knowing that G indicates a 2+2 from what I have looked up and researched it is fairly odd as the car is not a 2+2.   


I have seen S30-series Z firewall chassis number ( 'Shatai Bango' / 'VIN' ) engravings 'corrected' by Nissan Shatai at the manufacturing stage, and 'corrected' after factory recall on certain models. NO WAY would a "mis-stamped" / incorrect chassis prefix and body serial combination make it out of the door at Nissan Shatai, let alone through the whole system and onto a ship for export. And that's even without addressing the problems it would cause at the receiving end. Sorry but it's an impossibility.


The most likely scenario is that parts of your car are from another car entirely, and the work has been done by previous owners. If the firewall engraved number ( and some of the sheetmetal around it ) or the whole firewall has not been replaced with one from a 'GRS30' 2+2 then possibly the whole back-end of the car has. The reasons for such a swap are usually nefarious....


I've seen a 'GRS30' prefixed chassis number on what appeared to be a pre-1974 production 2-seater RHD car, and the story behind that one was that the whole front end of the GRS30 - the firewall and everything in front of it - was grafted onto the remains of a crashed 2-seater body. The result was neither fish nor fowl.    

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The chances of finding, matching-up and somehow combining two identical body serial numbers with different prefixes ( like 'RLS30-000123' and 'GRLS30-000123' ) are akin to winning the Lottery. Somehow I just don't buy it.


This query is ringing a bell in my memory. Have you posted about it before, here or elsewhere...?

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So did some digging through the massive stack of paperwork I was given and actually tracked down and talked to the first owner of the car today, HS30-H pretty much hit the nail on the head.  The car was stolen in 1980 and was recovered a few days after it was taken. But what already happened was the firewall stamp was cut out and replaced with what it has now. From what I got was was the piece that is on the car now came from a 2+2 that was wrecked back in the day.   After further looking I found the weld marks in which they did a dam good job at hiding.  But apparently I am now the 3rd owner of the car and I am glad the pieces make sense now.  On the subject of the dash vins I guess the numbers filled in on the washington state report were specualtions on what the car was supposed to have on the plates. 


All in all thanks for the replies as it motivated me to dig a little further into what was going on. 

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